Wednesday, 12 June 2024



When Ammon and his brothers brought King Lamoni, his father and their subjects to the knowledge of the truth, their conversion was so deep that they buried their weapons of war as a token of their repentance, never to be used again for the shedding of blood. This token also extended to their desire to be distinguished from their brethren the Lamanites whereby they sought to take upon themselves a new name. Being more Lamanites by their biological nature and more Nephites by the changed nature of their hearts, they chose the name of Anti-Nephi-Lehies (Alma 23:16,17). This name also suggests the joining together of the descendants of Nephi and Lehi's other posterity, meaning they were now one. The prefix ‘Anti’ does not suggest opposition as it does in our English language. It rather suggests a reflex of the Egyptian nty meaning 'he of’ or ‘the one of''. Thus, rather than having the sense 'against', the name means 'the one of Nephi and Lehi'" (Stephen D. Ricks, "Anti-Nephi-Lehi", in Dennis L. Largey, ed., Book of Mormon Reference Companion [2003], p 67).

When the Lamanites came upon them to slay them, the people of Anti-Nephi-Lehi did not prepare for war, nor did they run away. They stayed put, buried their weapons and subjected themselves to slaughter. We tend to always reflect on the main reason they did this, that reason being a sign of their covenant with God (Alma 24:18) that they would kill no more but that reason does not end there.

During the massacre of the people of Anti-Nephi-Lehi, the number of Lamanites who were converted and ‘saved’ was greater than one thousand and five of them who were slain (Alma 24:22,26). So the sacrifice of the ‘innocent’ brought about the salvation of the ‘sinful’. In other words, one thousand and five of them went willingly to their deaths for the sake of the salvation of others. How is that possible? Here is how: We are told that the people Anti-Nephi-Lehi LOVED their brethren who sought to kill them (Alma 26:32).  Does all this remind you of someone?

The love these converts possessed towards their brethren was not ordinary love but ‘the pure love of Christ’. This was a deeper love than loving your neighbour as yourself (Matthew 19:19). This was to love ‘as I have loved you’ (John 13:34), this was the love the way HE FEELS IT, not the way we do. This love sends you to the altar of sacrifice to lay down your life for another, as was the case of the people of Ammon whose self-sacrifice mirrored the sacrifice of the Son of God. This love cannot be developed by us but can only be a gift to the true followers of Christ who prayerfully seek it (Moroni 7:47,48) AND who are deeply committed to the covenants they have made. Only the integrity of the conversion of our hearts qualifies us for this love.

The lesson and example of Anti-Nephi-Lehies’ resonates throughout history but their greatest legacy? 2,000 stripling warriors….but of that later….


(Art: Anti-Nephi-Lehies by Del Parson)

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