Thursday, 6 June 2024


I am so fascinated with the overpowering administrations of the spirit experienced by people in the Book of Mormon who went through miraculous conversions. The most worthy of mention is Alma. The next such conversion we learn of is that of King Lamoni, his queen and their servants during the missionary labours of Ammon amongst the Lamanites (Alma 18:41,42; 19:13,15,16). So powerful was the spirit that it could not be contained in their natural frames and they lay on the ground as if they were dead. When Ammon saw ‘the sprit of the Lord poured out according to his prayers upon the Lamanites, his brethren….he was also overpowered with joy’ and lost consciousness (Alma 19:14).

I personally don’t know of anyone who has been overpowered by the Spirit of the Lord to that extent. The most fascinating thing is that the king and the queen and the servants had learnt of the nature of God during their experience. They reported that they had conversed with angels and had learnt of God’s goodness and His righteousness (Alma 19:6, 34). King Lamoni reported he had even seen his Redeemer (v 13). This is indeed divine revelation.

My favourite section of the Doctrine and Covenants is section 76. Right at the beginning is the most divine promise the Lord has made to us of these latter days. The promise is that He will honour those who serve Him in righteousness and in truth to the end by revealing all mysteries of His kingdom and the wonders of eternity…. that our understanding will reach to heaven and that we will be so enlightened by His power that He will make known unto us ‘those things which eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor yet entered into the heart of man’ (D&C 76:5-10). Does this not blow your mind??? This promise was spoken of anciently through the prophet Joel through whom the Lord said: “And it shall come to pass…that I will pout out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions” (Joel 2:28).

These scriptures indicate to me that it is our responsibility to seek divine revelation, not just for ourselves but to aid others in understanding Gospel truths. It is our right to receive it as members who have been given the gift of the Holy Ghost. In President Nelson’s words: “The privilege of receiving revelation is one of the greatest gifts of God to His children….” (Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Our Lives, General Conference April 2018).

Being worthy of course is the key: “As long as the spiritual eyes are single to the glory of God – that is, as long as they are undimmed by sin and are focused solely on righteousness – men can view and understand the things of the Spirit”. (McConkie, Doctrinal New Testament Commentary, 1:240)

Increased spiritual capacity leads to more and more understanding of eternal truths until we come to receive the greatest promise: “……the day shall come when you shall comprehend even God, being quickened in him and by him”  (D&C 88:49). If we are not used to receiving revelation and understanding the things of the spirit, how can we ever comprehend God? And which one of us does not want that?

I cannot fathom

The greatness of Thy Godhood.

I can scarce contain who You are

In the hollow of my lacking heart.

I am so small

And you are so vast;

Endow me with wisdom,

Endow me with might,

Help me to comprehend

Beyond the ages of the wise.



(Art: Radiance of Divine Revelation by Ivan Guaderrama)

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