Friday 19 April 2024




I write a lot of posts about Christ and post a lot of pictures of Him. I have noticed more and more people reacting favourably to pictures of a happy Christ. It seems we don’t like to see Him unhappy or somber or suffering. I guess we have had those pictures for too long. One of my readers commented recently: “It’s good to see Him smiling. Gives hope”. The inference is, if He could be happy after all He endured, there is hope for us too. I loved it because It made me think of the following scripture:

“Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God (Hebrews 12:2).

Yes, Christ endured unfathomable suffering focusing on the joy that would come following: the joy of His triumph and the eternal reward that awaited Him, but not only that….He did it for the joy that awaited all of us who believe in Him and accept Him. He knew so well what was at stake if He failed, and He knew really well the joy that would be ours if death was overcome, immortality granted and eternal life made possible. This was His focus and this was His joy… give us what we could not give ourselves. The love supreme, the mercy unfathomable.

Perhaps we need to remember more often where the Saviour is now that the crucible of His life is over. And this is where we will be if we carry our cross and endure in faith to the end. When you confront your own suffering, remember, the joy will come in the morning. Even if your battle spans the entirety of your life, it will not be forever…….but the joy will be. Remember the suffering Christ and have hope. He is where you can be……..and He is happy knowing the joy that awaits you.

Teach me dear God to look upward

And hope for the glories

That will one day be mine.

Help me to rise on wings of faith;

Lift me above valleys,

Mountains and seas

That I might forsake this world of suffering

And fly with haste to Thee.


(Art: Radiant Saviour by Chris Brazelton)

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