Tuesday 2 April 2024



“When the Lord Jesus appeared in the midst of the disciples on the evening of the Resurrection Sunday, one of the apostles, Thomas, was absent. He was informed of what the others had witnessed, but was unconvinced; even their solemn testimony, “We have seen the Lord”, failed to awaken an echo of faith in his heart. In his state of mental skepticism he exclaimed: “Except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into his side, I will not believe” (John 20:25).  (James Talmage, Jesus the Christ, p 689)

James Talmage goes on to say that Thomas “may have regarded the reported manifestations as a series of subjective visions” (p 690). Or maybe belief that it was too good to be true, aided his incredulity or even that he felt cheated he did not see his beloved Master as others did. Whatever the reason, resurrection was up to that point in time considered to be ‘some mysterious and remote event, not a present possibility’ (p 683) so Thomas’ hesitation to accept such an event seems understandable. Even though Jesus spoke of His death and resurrection before it happened, His apostles did not fully understand it and might have even thought He was speaking figuratively (Luke 24:44-46). And here is something wonderful about Thomas. Even though he showed a moment of weakness post resurrection, his strength of character was such that he was willing to suffer persecution and death with the Saviour (John 11:7-16).

What touches me deeply in this story is Christ’s mercy. He knew exactly what Thomas had said regarding the witness he sought but there was no judgment or chastisement for his unbelief but only, ‘Thomas, come and see and be believing’ (John 20:27). And then, even a benediction, after Thomas acknowledged his Lord and God: “Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed” (v 29).

Does it make you feel blessed for believing without seeing??? How many of us since Christ’s resurrection have believed on the scriptures that have taught us about this most important event in earth’s history? I have never seen an immortal, resurrected body and I do not know of anyone that has. I know Joseph Smith has and no doubt other prophets have. We, who have not, have been blessed with the administration of the Holy Ghost who whispers the truth to our hearts and bears witness of God’s Beloved Son. It’s a noble thing to be a believer. 


(Art: The Incredulity of Saint Thomas by Giovanni Antonio Carravagio 1602)

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