Saturday 27 April 2024



The prophecies of Christ portray the expected Messiah in a dualistic manner. At His first coming, He was to be the ‘suffering servant’ as prophesied in Isaiah 53 who would be a ‘man of sorrows’ (v3); one who stands ‘as a sheep before her shearers’ (v7); and one who takes our transgressions upon Himself. The other picture of the Messiah paints Him as the “King of Glory”. This title promises deliverance, political power, and the destruction of Israel’s enemies. Of course, the “suffering servant” foretells His mortal life and spiritual deliverance of His people. The “King of Glory” prophecies foretell His second coming when He will subdue all Israel’s enemies under His feet; put down all kingdoms; will sit on the throne of David; and ‘the government shall be upon his shoulder’ (Isaiah 9:6).

In the words of Bruce R. McConkie: “He came once – born in a stable, cradled in a manger – to redeem his people; to restore his everlasting gospel; to work out the infinite and eternal atonement; to bring salvation.

He shall come again – with ten thousands of his saints, in all the glory of his Father’s kingdom – to slay the wicked by the breath of his lips; to cleanse the vineyard of corruption; to ransom those who love his appearing: to bring salvation.”  

(Bruce R. McConkie, The Promised Messiah, p 1)

We are now at the point in time when we are awaiting the King of Glory who shall come again to bring salvation. So close is the Second Coming, that the Saviour said in His revelation to the Church in 1831: “Behold, now it is called TODAY until the coming of the Son of Man…..” (D&C 64:23).  A reiteration of its closeness is expressed in the scriptures with a phrase “even at the doors” (D&C 110:16; Mark 13:29; Matthew 24:33; JST Matthew 1:39. We, of the twelfth hour, are witnessing the scriptures being fulfilled and await with eagerness.

When His apostles asked the Saviour, pre-resurrection, when He will return, He answered: “But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only” (Matthew 24:36; Mark 13:32). But now, post-resurrection, one other knows…..the Saviour,  speaking on behalf of the Father, said this in modern day revelation: “For I am God, and have sent mine Only Begotten Son into the world for the redemption of the world……and [he] now reigneth in the heavens and will reign till he descends on the earth to put all enemies under his feet, which time is nigh at hand….I, the Lord God, have spoken it; but the hour and the day no man knoweth, neither the angels in heaven, nor shall they know until he comes” (D&C 49:5-7). There was no confirmation that the Father only knows, hence the proposition that the Son now knows also.

The Saviour knows when He will return. He knows everything, even as His Father knows. He will come as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He will come and rule and reign with righteousness and obliterate all oppression, sickness, death, misery and sorrow. He will come.


When amidst the clouds of glory

You appear on your trusted steed,

Our heads will bow,

Our knees will bend,

Our tongues be loosed to confess:

Your Sonship and Your Kingship,

Worlds without end.


(Art: Second Coming by John McNaughton)

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