Friday 12 April 2024



The eight article of faith states: “We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly” (Article of Faith 1:8)

The most significant revelation given to Joseph Smith in relation to this Article of Faith is found in 2 Timothy which reads: “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness”. The JST corrects this scripture to read: “And all scripture given by inspiration of God, is profitable….” (2 Timothy 3:16). It’s a matter of one very small word that should not be there that makes all the difference. Joseph Smith described his textual translation of passages in the King James Version of the Bible as a “branch of my calling” (History of the Church, 1:238)…..and I will forever be grateful for that. His translation of many passages has aided greatly my understanding of the Bible.

The most significant light of knowledge regarding Christ has come to me through the JST of the Garden of Gethsemane. The King James Version states that the Saviour took with him Peter, James and John to the Garden and ‘began to be sore amazed’ (Mark 14:33). I have heard much speculation regarding the suffering of Christ and how the intensity of it amazed even Him. The speculation is that Jesus knew cognitively what He was going to do but not experientially until He was faced with the ordeal. I fully believed this also but here is where the JST restored my belief that there is nothing that Jehovah, a God, does not understand, know or cannot do. The JST states: “And they came to a place which was named Gethsemane, which was a garden; and the DISCIPLES began to be sore amazed….” (JST Mark 14:36-38).

This is how I know that the Saviour understood fully, with His unique intellect, the process of the Atonement and was never amazed at the severity of it:

-        At twelve years of age Jesus was found in the Temple with doctors of religion who were ‘hearing Him and asking Him questions’ (JST Luke 2:46, note c). The KJV of the Bible says that He was ‘hearing’ and ‘asking’  THEM questions. Here is what Joseph Smith had to say about that: “When still a boy He had all the intelligence necessary to enable Him to rule and govern the kingdom of the Jews, and could reason with the wisest and most profound doctors of law and divinity, and make their theories and practice to appear like folly compared with the wisdom He possessed…..” (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p 392)

-        Jesus went into the wilderness following His baptism to commune with God and not to be tempted of the devil as the KJV of the Bible suggests (Matthew 4:1, note b; 4:2, note c; Mark 1:12, note a). Enoch was ‘lifted up’ and saw marvelous visions beyond anything that the mind can conceive (Moses 6 and 7); Brother Of Jared learned wonders of eternity when he talked with the Lord for three hours, which are so far beyond our mortal comprehension that the Lord has not permitted them to be translated in our day (Ether 2-4); Paul was caught up into the third heaven and saw wondrous things, and heard unspeakable words which are not lawful for a man to utter (2 Corinthians 12:1-4); Joseph Smith saw the Father and the Son and the vision of the degrees of glory (JS-H 1: D&C 76:137) (see Bruce R. McConkie, The Mortal Messiah Book 1, p 401).  Imagine the light of knowledge and truth and instruction the Son of God was given during His 40 days of communion with the Father. In my mind, He knew and understood the process of the Atonement inside and out and He was never ‘sore amazed’.

I am grateful for a God who understood and accepted and fulfilled His promise to save my soul. All He said of His suffering is that ‘He trembled because of pain and bled at every pore, nevertheless, He partook and finished His preparations unto the children of men’ (D&C 19:16-19). This is the God of integrity, strength and might that I imagine Him to be……the God of Heaven and Earth, the King of Glory, forever and ever……

(I give credit to Jay M. Todd’s article, “Our New Light on Jesus’ Mortal Life and Teachings”, for my understanding of the importance of the Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible)


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