Thursday 4 April 2024



When Mormon said: “Behold I am Mormon, and I am a disciple of Jesus Christ” (3 Nephi 5:12,13), he really meant it. The sincerity of this statement is evident in the book of his making. Mormon considered the greatest treasure that was in his keeping to be the records with which he was entrusted when just a youth (Mormon 1:1-3). He not only kept the records but made sure they meant something. The thought that went into the compilation of them into one concise record that we know as the Book of Mormon is staggering.

Mormon’s greatest motivation was to preserve the prophecies of Christ and the knowledge of the power of His redemption (Words of Mormon 1:4,8). Some years ago, I resolved to read the Book of Mormon with intent to discover Christ's characteristics as per Joseph Smith's instruction in Lecture Third of Lectures on Faith. As I discovered these characteristics I wrote them in the margins of the book. When I had completed the task I discovered two things on just about every page. One was that Christ was merciful, which I already knew, but the other one was that He always fulfills his promises. At the time it meant to me that He was reliable. Upon further reflection though I could see that this was Mormon's writing strategy. I think this was one way that Mormon found to testify of Christ. He saw an opportunity. 

Mormon ensured that every prophecy and promise in the Book of Mormon was tied to its fulfillment and he testified of this with such phrases as 'all this was done that the word of the Lord might be fulfilled' and 'God is powerful to the fulfilling of all his words' (Mosiah 21:4; Alma 37:16; 50:19; Mormon 1:19; Helaman 4:21; Ether 15:3; Words of Mormon 1:4; 3 Nephi 1:13,20; Mosiah 21:4; Alma). What an undertaking that must have been for him! This strategy proves in a unique way that the Book of Mormon is his book and that he was the author.  It would have been impossible for anyone else to chronicle such numerous promises and their fulfillments let alone an uneducated man like Joseph Smith. Mormon knew the history of his people well because of many records that were in his keeping for many years. And he knew God who led his fathers to their land of promise.

His undertaking to compile the records and write one book containing so many prophecies and doings of his people would have been mammoth. I am in awe of people who can research and write a concise piece of work containing all their findings. Mormon to me is such a writer but with a difference. Because of the nature of his written work, he was aided and guided significantly by the spirit of God. This he testified to when he said: “And I do this for a wise purpose……according to the workings of the Spirit of the Lord which is in me….” (Words of Mormon 1:7)

When the account of our life’s work is found in the Book of Life, will it stand as a testimony of our discipleship of Jesus Christ? Will our lives speak of Him and testify of Him and bring others to the foot of His throne???


(Art: The Book of Life by Chris Brazelton)

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