Tuesday 23 April 2024



I could not help but see something significant as I started to read about the people of Limhi this morning. Limhi was the son of Noah who was the son of Zeniff who foolishly decided to abandon the land of Zarahemla and return to the land of Lehi-Nephi, the land of ‘their fathers’ (Mosiah 9:3). This was the land from which Nephi fled and separated himself and his followers from his murderous brothers (2 Nephi 5:57). At the time of Zeniff, the land was populated by the Lamanites.

When Zeniff was first sent as a spy to the land of Lehi-Nephi, it was to check out the Lamanites’ forces so that the Nephite army could come and destroy them (Mosiah 9:1). Something interesting happened to Zeniff on this expedition. He saw the good that was among the Lamanites and he was seduced (v 1). Perhaps Lamanites were not so bad after all….Herein lies the lesson. You should never go backwards. The Lamanites were welcoming at first and vacated lands for Zeniff and his people to occupy. The king even covenanted with Zeniff granting him the land but Zeniff did not foresee  ‘the cunning and the craftiness of king Laman’ who yielded up the land to bring his people into bondage (v 9). Zeniff saw the good of the Lamanites on the surface but in reality they were ‘a lazy and idolatrous people’ who put others in bondage to provide for them (v 12). After twelve years of being settled in the land, the glitter wore off and the bondage set in (v 11).

I could not help but see how this story relates to us who have abandoned a company they should not keep seeing the dangers of sin they were falling into, or have even fallen into such a life. Once removed, don’t look back because Satan works overtime to make appealing that sinful life or that company you have abandoned. Once the re-acquaintances have been made or sin revisited even once, the bondage begins.

When we are baptized we are baptized for ‘remission’ of our sins. This means our sins are simply put in remission until the day of forgiveness. If we commit that sin that is lying in remission, it will return. It is like a cancer, which is put into remission through treatment, but it can always come back. Our sins are the same, they lie in wait to return should we fail to be diligent in cultivating our spiritual strength. If we fail to do so and the mistake is repeated, always remember there is a way out. King Limhi understood the lesson and himself recognized the way to deliverance out of bondage is by ‘turning to the Lord with full purpose of heart, putting your trust in Him, and serving Him with all diligence of mind’. Then he says something interesting. If you do all this, the Lord will  ‘according to his own will and pleasure deliver you out of bondage’ (Mosiah 7:33). Be warned, the deliverance might mean a rough road of repentance and forgiveness….as in many cases,  groups of people in the Book of Mormon proved this to be true.

The real danger of going backwards is this…..you might never return. And what a loss that would be to your soul, your family, your loved ones, to the Saviour who suffered for you and to the Father who eagerly awaits you. 


(Art: Though Your Sins Be As Scarlet by Greg Olsen)

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