Saturday 20 April 2024




As I course through the pages of the Book of Mormon, I delight in the men who recorded the history of ancient America, but more importantly who recorded their understanding of eternal life, the doctrine of Christ, the prophecies, their struggles, their teachings, their repentance, their humanity, their worthiness. I see their strength and recognize their imprints on history and their contributions to the salvation of humanity. I love their examples and their power. I will forever cherish the strength of these men who fought for religious rights and their freedom.  

One cannot read the Book of Mormon and not notice the effect the righteous fathers have on their children. The records were generally passed from father to son so it is easy to pick this up. I am always deeply touched when I read: “I am Helaman, the son of Alma” (Alma 58:41). It brings to my mind who Alma was, his admirable process of repentance and conversion stands next to Paul’s in my mind. There is only one more touching statement in the Book of Mormon for me and it is this: “Behold, I am Jesus Christ, the Son of God” (3 Nephi 9:15). And this is what the Saviour said about His sonship: “….I do nothing of myself; but as my Father hath taught me….The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do” (John 8:28; 5:19). Is there a greater example than this?

Take heed fathers, you have more influence on your children than you can imagine. I am not saying here that all sons of righteous fathers will be faithful, but they stand a better chance if they have the righteous example before them. I watched an endearing video recently of a little boy and his father purchasing flowers for Mothers’ Day. He was not older than 4. He had a younger sister at home and a baby sister. The boy chose three bouquets. As he looked around for appropriate flowers, he ran to his father and said: “I love you Dad”. You could tell, in that moment, the boy was emulating his father. He was there because of him and he was honoring his mother and his sisters because of him. It brought tears to my eyes and such great admiration for this man who was a valiant father to his son.

Men, you are important….so very important! Not just to be good fathers but good sons, good husbands, good brothers….to be the protectors of women you were born to be. Don’t let the world tell you that you are not needed or appreciated. If you walk up to the stature of your creation, the women around you will love you and appreciate you. And if you emulate the greatest Son of all, you will bring blessings upon your children’s heads such as you had not imagined before.

Your fatherly love,

And the flame of your sacrifices

Burns bright with all its might;

Your legacy, your love,

Your fatherly alms:

Forever etched

In the hollow of my heart.


(Art: Father and Son by Danny Hahlbohm)

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