Monday 30 August 2021



I picked up a girls' colouring in book yesterday intending to buy it for my granddaughter, which was littered with motivational phrases like 'you can be anything you want to be and do anything you want to do' and 'a smart girl knows her limits but an extraordinary girl knows she has none'. This is one of the fallacies of the world that is intended to empower women and inadvertently make them feel like failures, because the reality is that you can't do or be anything you want to be and yes you do have limits.

I for instance, adore good art and good music but no matter how much I try or even get some training in art and music, I will never write a symphony or paint a masterpiece, simply because of one little thing called 'talent'. The voice that tells me contrary to this truth is the voice of the world.

I talked about talents with my grandchildren recently. My ten year old granddaughter is a promising artist. When I pointed this out, my other granddaughter said, "I'm good at drawing too". I said she was but not like her sister and that her talent was making people feel loved to which she replied: "Oh, I have the best talent of all!" And yes she does....

The world doesn't value so much who we are but what we are. The world values only what can be seen, hence so much emphasis is placed on accumulating worldly possessions. We endeavour to define ourselves by our houses, our careers and our looks. Our spiritual identity is largely overlooked for one reason: he who is in charge of the world seeks to destroy our spiritual identity. But there is one person who seeks to build it.

If there was ever one person who had the power to possess anything in this world and be anything he wanted to be, it was the Saviour who chose to be a lowly carpenter....think about it..... and contrast it with the ancient kings of Israel who amassed incredible fortunes and fame. The Saviour had the right to the Jewish throne, but instead He remained true to His spiritual self and to His role as the Saviour of the world. And where would we be now if He hadn't????

We are all here for a certain purpose suited to who we are. Sometimes it is enough to just be 'inherently good'. You never know who you are going to inspire, serve or change with just that and that's good enough. Don't be fooled by what the world says you should be, only remember one thing: there was someone who died for WHO you true to that person and to yourself.

I marvel that you would love an imperfect me,
That you would want me by your side;
I marvel that you see my worth
In this sullied pattern of mortal life.
With thankfulness you remember the me
That once walked the clouds with Thee,
That you see who I once used to be,
The woman I long forever to be.

- Cathryne Allen
(Art by Liz Lemon Swindle)

Tuesday 24 August 2021





I have loved Jeremiah for more years than I can remember and have written about him many times. I guess you can say he is the prophet of my heart. Jeremiah lived amongst the people that were ripe for destruction, much like Mormon. And he witnessed that destruction as the kingdom of Judah was devoured before his eyes by Babylon, in 587 B.C. Jeremiah was persecuted to such an extent that he wished he wasn't born (Jeremiah 20:14-18). The wickedness around him was indescribable but people prospered and there was peace, until Jehovah saw fit to send Babylon....


What caught my eye this morning as I was studying is this: Jeremiah became so oppressed by wickedness around him that he complained to the Lord and asked how much longer will he allow this wickedness to persist and the unrighteous to prosper (Jeremiah 12:1-4). Many of us have asked the same question because the present day world seems unbearable to us. And here is where the similarity between Jeremiah's world and ours lies....the Lord replied to Jeremiah's impatience by asking him if he can't bear it whilst there was relative peace, how will he ever survive when things get worse (Jeremiah 12:1-4)? Like Jeremiah's world, our world will get worse....until He comes.

it is now time to become people of valour so that we can endure whatever more is to come....and more will come as the prophecies attest that the world will get more wicked. Now more than ever we need to strengthen our faith in God to be able to endure the oppression, the persecution, the lack of freedoms. We all know what we have to do. 


In answer to Jeremiah's lament about the situation of his day, the Lord has clearly shown how long-suffering He is in the midst of human corruption. It would seem He allows us to get to the utmost worst until the day of reckoning to give as many as possible the chance to repent and turn to Him. I am in awe of His unfathomable mercy; His never ending tolerance and patience; and His self-restraint amidst His immeasurable power. 



There is none like Thee

My Saviour and my King

With power and glory in His wings;

There is none like Thee

Showing mercy and kindness

To sinners like me;

Who can compare

And who can equal Thee

In Thy unfailing care of me;

Let me worship Thee

With my lips and my heart

And let me be steadfast

From Thy favour never to part.

- Cathryne Allen

(Art by Yongsung Kim)

Monday 23 August 2021



I read an article the other day that says over 60% of born-again Christians in America believe that Jesus isn't the only way to Heaven; that Buddha and Muhammad are also valid paths to salvation. What's more, over 30% believe that Jesus sinned like all other 'people' and the rest were unsure. The fury of my heart turned to deep sorrow as I felt incredibly confronted and hurt because people were losing faith in the Saviour. I ached for Him and I wondered: 1. If the political correctness of our day has consumed the world to such an extent that it is corrupting our religious beliefs and; 2. If these Christians who are losing their way read and live by the scriptures.

I wish to testify here that the Saviour is the way to salvation besides whom there is no other.  I am reminded of some of His disciples who walked away from Him when He declared His Messiahship as He taught in the Capernaum synagogue. When He asked the Twelve: “Will ye also go away?”, Simon Peter answered: “Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life” (John 6:67,68). To whom indeed???


I wish to testify that there is NONE beside HIM, there is NONE in front of HIM, there is NONE behind HIM. There is NONE ELSE (Isaiah 45:5,6,14,18,22; 46:9; Deut. 4:35; 1 Kings 8:60). Note these references are ALL from the Bible which is available to ALL Christians....not to mention all of Christ's declarations of Himself in the New Testament: "....I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." (John 14:6).

I wish to testify that HE is the light, the truth, and the way....He is the Creator, He is the Redeemer, He is the Saviour:

THE CREATOR: Of this earth and us on it;

THE REDEEMER: Of the Fall and inevitable death by granting all of us the gift of resurrection;

THE SAVIOUR: Of our individual sinful state and spiritual death.


Which of the heathen gods that people profess can lead to salvation,  can do what He can do and what He has done by His personal sacrifice? NONE, because there is NONE ELSE. 

Who is a God like unto Thee
Jehovah, our King;
Who sees our frailities,
Who heeds our pleas;
Who answers in mercy
Who forgives in our need
And runs to our relief;
Who carries us in His bosom
As a loving Father would;
Longing to shelter us
From sin and from pain
And save us from death
In the shadow of His hand
To forever remain.

I am ever grateful for the testimony that burns within my heart. I know who He is. I know Him....the Saviour of my spirit, the lover of my soul.......

- Cathryne Allen
(Art by Yongsung Kim)

Friday 20 August 2021



We are saturated with information. For every yay out there, there is a nay. I watched a movie recently set in 1867 where due to lack of literacy and availability of newspapers, the main character made it his profession to travel from town to town to read the news to American citizens who would gather in droves to hear it. Such news is available to us today instantly. We don't even have to wait for 6 o'clock News on our television sets. It is at our fingertips 24 hours a day and it lives in our pockets. Such is the blessing and a curse of technology.
Because there is so much information available to us, confusion is raging amongst us. This is creating a fertile ground for Satan to deceive us. Now more than ever we are in need of the spirit of discernment to guide us to the right voice we should be listening to. The spirit of discernment works spirit to spirit. It speaks to us through emotion. There are only two voices that constantly speak to us. I came across this list from an unknown source which proves this concept beautifully. Compare the difference in emotions:
  • Stills you Rushes you
  • Leads you Pushes you
  • Reassures you Frightens you
  • Enlightens you Confuses you
  • Encourages you Discourages you
  • Comforts you Worries you
  • Calms you Obsesses you
  • Convinces you Condemns you
The only peace we can have in the world today is to listen to God's voice. Conforming to the voices of the world will not afford us peace.
Be still my soul
And know that He leads you
By the voice of His heart;
He beckons and He calls
Your spirit to ignite
To truth and godly path.
His love will find you,
He will lead you and save your soul
He is the Shepherd
Who will answer your call.

  • Cathryne Allen
(Art: He Leadeth Me by Yongsung Kim)

Wednesday 18 August 2021



Many of us are wondering how much more wicked does the world have to become before the Saviour makes His appearance. The thing is, it's not the state of the world that will determine that but the state of us, His people. Not until Zion can be established among us will the Saviour be able to come. And since the Lord works through us and He honours our free agency, our wickedness or righteousness can impede or accelerate His work (Doctrine and Covenants Student Manual, p 258).
Section 105 of Doctrine and Covenants tells us that the early Saints failed to establish Zion and were driven from their inheritances in Missouri because they failed to comply with the order of consecration. In other words, their hearts were not right to live the principles of the Celestial Kingdom. Since Zion is THE PURE IN HEART, there is no Zion where there is no purity of heart. What does being pure in heart mean? Elder McConkie taught that living by the principles of the Celestial Kingdom means living by the law of the gospel because through it men are sanctified by the reception of the Holy Ghost, thus becoming clean, pure, and spotless (Mormon Doctrine, p 117). But there is more....being pure in heart means having the pure love of Christ within you.
This is the pure love of Christ: It means having no motive for self-advancement. Think for a moment of the Saviour and what He volunteered to do. There was no self-advancement in His sacrifice, He didn't need it, He was already a God. We were the only ones who received advancement through His sacrifice. Until we come to the point where we can be selfless like He is and care about others as much as we care about ourselves, we will not be fit enough to live a Zion life in the Millenium. Zion cannot be redeemed, meaning we cannot expect to live there, until such a time as this and until this can happen, the Saviour cannot come. So you see it is up to us to make this happen.
It is time for us to stop worrying about the state of the world and start focusing on our state of being and on our worthiness. Now is the time for us, the House of Israel, to walk the path the Saviour has paved; to become as He is; to seek the purity of heart that He has; to become a Zion people. It is time for us to RISE.
I gave you my all;
My heart, my body, my soul,
Your salvation to ensure.
I paved the way and opened the gate,
Come and take my hand;
Eat and do not hunger,
Drink and do not thirst.
I am in your midst;
I am the only,
I am the last,
And I am the first.

  • Cathryne Allen
(Art: Dr. Ashraf Fekry)

Monday 16 August 2021



I was blessed with a marvellous revelation this past weekend, after seeking understanding to bring me peace regarding the world as we know it that is crumbling at our feet. It not only brought me peace but discernment of what we, the saints of the last days, are facing. In the midst of all the commotion in the world, we will be part of exciting events that are hastening the return of Him whom we so eagerly expect. Now is the time to not only lose fear and trust in His protection but to hang onto the promise President Uchdorf made in October 2020 General Conference that 'God will yet do something unimaginable'. I believe what is ahead of us is of more grandeur than what is behind us in regards to the 'great and marvelous work' the Lord has set His hand to.
Since the beginning of the Church, we have been engaged in the gathering of the House of Israel. This has been a noble endeavour but this is nothing compared to what is ahead. Jeremiah tells us that the day will come when the Lord will no longer be referred to as the Lord who brought the children of Israel out of Egypt in a mass Exodus, but that he will be known as the Lord who 'brought up the children of Israel from all the lands whither he had driven them' (Jeremiah 16:14-16). This is the most profound prophecy of our day and it will be fulfilled on a massive scale. There are some amazing things ahead of us and we should begin to look forward to them.
We are a special body of people, a 'peculiar' people'. We should be happy to bear this label upon our heads. The original meaning of this word in Hebrew means 'private property which is laid up or reserved; select, precious, endeared, something exceedingly prized and diligently preserved'. We are a 'particular' people. We are Israel, God's chosen people, because we are on the covenant path. We are a 'peculiar treasure' (Exodus 19:5); a 'royal priesthood, an holy nation' (1 Peter 2:9). We have reason to rejoice because we are part of something grand. He who is preparing to return has chosen us for such a time as this, where we will shine forth as valiant people who have covenanted with Him long before the world began that we will stand firm in the midst of evil and bring forth a 'marvellous work and a wonder'.

We Israel, Thine inheritance
Are the workmanship of Thy hands;
We have eaten the bread of adversity
And drunk the water of affliction;
We wait upon Thy promises
To gather us and nourish us
With peace as a river
And righteousness as the waves of the sea;
We will come to Zion with songs
And everlasting joy upon our heads
To shout praises to Thy holy name
To worship Thee as our God and our King.

  • Cathryne Allen
(Art: Second Coming by John McNaughton)

Thursday 12 August 2021



I am fascinated with the reverence we pay to beauty in our society. This post is not just for women but for men also. Even though men are more resilient when it comes to this subject, I suspect they too are affected by the world's push to be a slave to the ‘aesthetics’, hence the obsession with gyms and weight lifting. I get it, everyone wants to look good because beauty gladdens the eye. Beauty has been revered from day immemorial. In this day and age, however, it is reaching its peak. For women it is all about ‘the glow’ and ‘anti-aging’. If you are 60, you are supposed to look like you are 40. You are not allowed to age hence every skin care product out there is labelled ANTI-aging. I am in no way advocating neglect of the body but would like to accentuate here the need to care for the spirit more.

Since we live in ‘bodies corruptible’, physical beauty is not lasting and aging is inevitable. I remember Elder Haight saying in one general conference that aging is God's reminder that He will not leave us here forever. And thank goodness for that! For now we are telestial beings which means we are in our crudest form. We are required to be physically grounded but spiritually we are meant to be above this world.

When the early saints were enduring severe persecution in 1833, the Saviour told them ‘…care not for the body, neither the life of the body; but care for the soul, and for the life of the soul.’ (D&C 101:37). He also said: "...fear not even unto death" (v36). Even though this advice was given in reference to persecution, I would like to propose that this has meaning for us also. Firstly, there is a lot of fear out there right now regarding the body and death. My second point is this: The body that we lay down in this life will not be so much the body that we will be resurrected to.

When we are resurrected, our bodies will be glorified to the extent of our righteousness. They will match the beauty of the soul residing within it. They will not match the level of exercise and nutrition we focused all our efforts on whilst neglecting the spirit within. It is the spirit that our glorified body will match. That’s why the telestial bodies resemble the glory of the stars; terrestrial, the moon; and celestial, the sun.

When the Saviour returns to earth in His glory, there will be no more need for the sun and the moon to give light to His covenant people in New Jerusalem. The city will be lighted up by the glory of His presence (Isaiah 60:19-22; Orson Pratt, Journal of Discourses 14:355-56)). He will be the sun.....This is what it means to be of celestial glory. Can you imagine a more beautiful body than that???

The Lord created us to eternal beauty of both body and spirit. Instead of obsessing over endless gym sessions and multiplying wrinkles, and fearing death, we should first and foremost seek Him who gives us beauty of eternal life…who elevates us above the cares of this world and who sets us free from the world and gives us hope of life everlasting....
Let your soul and spirit fly into eternal glory.....

Whenever my mind idles
My thoughts fly to Thee
And I am free;
Whenever my mind empties,
It fills with thoughts of Thee
And I am free;
Whenever my mind wanders,
It finds a path to Thee
And I am free.

  • Cathryne Allen