Tuesday 3 August 2021



I was tempted my problems
To lay to Your charge
I considered them acutely unfair;
Then You opened my heart
And showed me Your godly task
Beyond human capacity to bear;
Knowing where you had gone
I would never need to go
I sorrowed and sought my arrogance to bury;
In humility I assent Your mortal burden
So valiant, so holy
I would never in this life have to carry.

I was feeling the weight of my problems and the state of the world the other day to the point of tears when for a split second I was given to understand the reality of the Saviour's mortal life and the crucible that was His and His only and I was humbled to the core of my being....for no other could bear what He bore. Elder Renlund delivered a talk relating to this subject in last General Conference entitled "Infuriating Unfairness" that is worth while to reference when we feel our life is unfair. To his remarks I add this, the sum of the Saviour's mortal life:

  • Members of His family did not at first accept Him as the Messiah (John 7:5);
  • People in His home town sought to kill Him (Luke 4:16-30);
  • His countrymen rejected his Messianic calling (John 1:11);
  • One friend betrayed Him, another denied knowing Him (Luke 22:48, 54-62);
  • In the end all His disciples forsook him and fled (Matthew 25:56);
  • His enemies demanded his crucifixion (Matthew 27:22-23)

We all know how the story ended.....the climax of His life, the crucible of Gethsemane and Calvary.....surely He who has 'borne our griefs and carried our sorrows' (Isaiah 53:4) has the power to bear us up now in the thick of things in these the last days.....
Be strong no matter what happens and believe.

  • Cathryne Allen

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