Friday 20 August 2021



We are saturated with information. For every yay out there, there is a nay. I watched a movie recently set in 1867 where due to lack of literacy and availability of newspapers, the main character made it his profession to travel from town to town to read the news to American citizens who would gather in droves to hear it. Such news is available to us today instantly. We don't even have to wait for 6 o'clock News on our television sets. It is at our fingertips 24 hours a day and it lives in our pockets. Such is the blessing and a curse of technology.
Because there is so much information available to us, confusion is raging amongst us. This is creating a fertile ground for Satan to deceive us. Now more than ever we are in need of the spirit of discernment to guide us to the right voice we should be listening to. The spirit of discernment works spirit to spirit. It speaks to us through emotion. There are only two voices that constantly speak to us. I came across this list from an unknown source which proves this concept beautifully. Compare the difference in emotions:
  • Stills you Rushes you
  • Leads you Pushes you
  • Reassures you Frightens you
  • Enlightens you Confuses you
  • Encourages you Discourages you
  • Comforts you Worries you
  • Calms you Obsesses you
  • Convinces you Condemns you
The only peace we can have in the world today is to listen to God's voice. Conforming to the voices of the world will not afford us peace.
Be still my soul
And know that He leads you
By the voice of His heart;
He beckons and He calls
Your spirit to ignite
To truth and godly path.
His love will find you,
He will lead you and save your soul
He is the Shepherd
Who will answer your call.

  • Cathryne Allen
(Art: He Leadeth Me by Yongsung Kim)

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