Monday 23 August 2021



I read an article the other day that says over 60% of born-again Christians in America believe that Jesus isn't the only way to Heaven; that Buddha and Muhammad are also valid paths to salvation. What's more, over 30% believe that Jesus sinned like all other 'people' and the rest were unsure. The fury of my heart turned to deep sorrow as I felt incredibly confronted and hurt because people were losing faith in the Saviour. I ached for Him and I wondered: 1. If the political correctness of our day has consumed the world to such an extent that it is corrupting our religious beliefs and; 2. If these Christians who are losing their way read and live by the scriptures.

I wish to testify here that the Saviour is the way to salvation besides whom there is no other.  I am reminded of some of His disciples who walked away from Him when He declared His Messiahship as He taught in the Capernaum synagogue. When He asked the Twelve: “Will ye also go away?”, Simon Peter answered: “Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life” (John 6:67,68). To whom indeed???


I wish to testify that there is NONE beside HIM, there is NONE in front of HIM, there is NONE behind HIM. There is NONE ELSE (Isaiah 45:5,6,14,18,22; 46:9; Deut. 4:35; 1 Kings 8:60). Note these references are ALL from the Bible which is available to ALL Christians....not to mention all of Christ's declarations of Himself in the New Testament: "....I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." (John 14:6).

I wish to testify that HE is the light, the truth, and the way....He is the Creator, He is the Redeemer, He is the Saviour:

THE CREATOR: Of this earth and us on it;

THE REDEEMER: Of the Fall and inevitable death by granting all of us the gift of resurrection;

THE SAVIOUR: Of our individual sinful state and spiritual death.


Which of the heathen gods that people profess can lead to salvation,  can do what He can do and what He has done by His personal sacrifice? NONE, because there is NONE ELSE. 

Who is a God like unto Thee
Jehovah, our King;
Who sees our frailities,
Who heeds our pleas;
Who answers in mercy
Who forgives in our need
And runs to our relief;
Who carries us in His bosom
As a loving Father would;
Longing to shelter us
From sin and from pain
And save us from death
In the shadow of His hand
To forever remain.

I am ever grateful for the testimony that burns within my heart. I know who He is. I know Him....the Saviour of my spirit, the lover of my soul.......

- Cathryne Allen
(Art by Yongsung Kim)

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