Thursday 12 August 2021



I am fascinated with the reverence we pay to beauty in our society. This post is not just for women but for men also. Even though men are more resilient when it comes to this subject, I suspect they too are affected by the world's push to be a slave to the ‘aesthetics’, hence the obsession with gyms and weight lifting. I get it, everyone wants to look good because beauty gladdens the eye. Beauty has been revered from day immemorial. In this day and age, however, it is reaching its peak. For women it is all about ‘the glow’ and ‘anti-aging’. If you are 60, you are supposed to look like you are 40. You are not allowed to age hence every skin care product out there is labelled ANTI-aging. I am in no way advocating neglect of the body but would like to accentuate here the need to care for the spirit more.

Since we live in ‘bodies corruptible’, physical beauty is not lasting and aging is inevitable. I remember Elder Haight saying in one general conference that aging is God's reminder that He will not leave us here forever. And thank goodness for that! For now we are telestial beings which means we are in our crudest form. We are required to be physically grounded but spiritually we are meant to be above this world.

When the early saints were enduring severe persecution in 1833, the Saviour told them ‘…care not for the body, neither the life of the body; but care for the soul, and for the life of the soul.’ (D&C 101:37). He also said: "...fear not even unto death" (v36). Even though this advice was given in reference to persecution, I would like to propose that this has meaning for us also. Firstly, there is a lot of fear out there right now regarding the body and death. My second point is this: The body that we lay down in this life will not be so much the body that we will be resurrected to.

When we are resurrected, our bodies will be glorified to the extent of our righteousness. They will match the beauty of the soul residing within it. They will not match the level of exercise and nutrition we focused all our efforts on whilst neglecting the spirit within. It is the spirit that our glorified body will match. That’s why the telestial bodies resemble the glory of the stars; terrestrial, the moon; and celestial, the sun.

When the Saviour returns to earth in His glory, there will be no more need for the sun and the moon to give light to His covenant people in New Jerusalem. The city will be lighted up by the glory of His presence (Isaiah 60:19-22; Orson Pratt, Journal of Discourses 14:355-56)). He will be the sun.....This is what it means to be of celestial glory. Can you imagine a more beautiful body than that???

The Lord created us to eternal beauty of both body and spirit. Instead of obsessing over endless gym sessions and multiplying wrinkles, and fearing death, we should first and foremost seek Him who gives us beauty of eternal life…who elevates us above the cares of this world and who sets us free from the world and gives us hope of life everlasting....
Let your soul and spirit fly into eternal glory.....

Whenever my mind idles
My thoughts fly to Thee
And I am free;
Whenever my mind empties,
It fills with thoughts of Thee
And I am free;
Whenever my mind wanders,
It finds a path to Thee
And I am free.

  • Cathryne Allen

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