Monday 16 August 2021



I was blessed with a marvellous revelation this past weekend, after seeking understanding to bring me peace regarding the world as we know it that is crumbling at our feet. It not only brought me peace but discernment of what we, the saints of the last days, are facing. In the midst of all the commotion in the world, we will be part of exciting events that are hastening the return of Him whom we so eagerly expect. Now is the time to not only lose fear and trust in His protection but to hang onto the promise President Uchdorf made in October 2020 General Conference that 'God will yet do something unimaginable'. I believe what is ahead of us is of more grandeur than what is behind us in regards to the 'great and marvelous work' the Lord has set His hand to.
Since the beginning of the Church, we have been engaged in the gathering of the House of Israel. This has been a noble endeavour but this is nothing compared to what is ahead. Jeremiah tells us that the day will come when the Lord will no longer be referred to as the Lord who brought the children of Israel out of Egypt in a mass Exodus, but that he will be known as the Lord who 'brought up the children of Israel from all the lands whither he had driven them' (Jeremiah 16:14-16). This is the most profound prophecy of our day and it will be fulfilled on a massive scale. There are some amazing things ahead of us and we should begin to look forward to them.
We are a special body of people, a 'peculiar' people'. We should be happy to bear this label upon our heads. The original meaning of this word in Hebrew means 'private property which is laid up or reserved; select, precious, endeared, something exceedingly prized and diligently preserved'. We are a 'particular' people. We are Israel, God's chosen people, because we are on the covenant path. We are a 'peculiar treasure' (Exodus 19:5); a 'royal priesthood, an holy nation' (1 Peter 2:9). We have reason to rejoice because we are part of something grand. He who is preparing to return has chosen us for such a time as this, where we will shine forth as valiant people who have covenanted with Him long before the world began that we will stand firm in the midst of evil and bring forth a 'marvellous work and a wonder'.

We Israel, Thine inheritance
Are the workmanship of Thy hands;
We have eaten the bread of adversity
And drunk the water of affliction;
We wait upon Thy promises
To gather us and nourish us
With peace as a river
And righteousness as the waves of the sea;
We will come to Zion with songs
And everlasting joy upon our heads
To shout praises to Thy holy name
To worship Thee as our God and our King.

  • Cathryne Allen
(Art: Second Coming by John McNaughton)

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