Tuesday 24 August 2021





I have loved Jeremiah for more years than I can remember and have written about him many times. I guess you can say he is the prophet of my heart. Jeremiah lived amongst the people that were ripe for destruction, much like Mormon. And he witnessed that destruction as the kingdom of Judah was devoured before his eyes by Babylon, in 587 B.C. Jeremiah was persecuted to such an extent that he wished he wasn't born (Jeremiah 20:14-18). The wickedness around him was indescribable but people prospered and there was peace, until Jehovah saw fit to send Babylon....


What caught my eye this morning as I was studying is this: Jeremiah became so oppressed by wickedness around him that he complained to the Lord and asked how much longer will he allow this wickedness to persist and the unrighteous to prosper (Jeremiah 12:1-4). Many of us have asked the same question because the present day world seems unbearable to us. And here is where the similarity between Jeremiah's world and ours lies....the Lord replied to Jeremiah's impatience by asking him if he can't bear it whilst there was relative peace, how will he ever survive when things get worse (Jeremiah 12:1-4)? Like Jeremiah's world, our world will get worse....until He comes.

it is now time to become people of valour so that we can endure whatever more is to come....and more will come as the prophecies attest that the world will get more wicked. Now more than ever we need to strengthen our faith in God to be able to endure the oppression, the persecution, the lack of freedoms. We all know what we have to do. 


In answer to Jeremiah's lament about the situation of his day, the Lord has clearly shown how long-suffering He is in the midst of human corruption. It would seem He allows us to get to the utmost worst until the day of reckoning to give as many as possible the chance to repent and turn to Him. I am in awe of His unfathomable mercy; His never ending tolerance and patience; and His self-restraint amidst His immeasurable power. 



There is none like Thee

My Saviour and my King

With power and glory in His wings;

There is none like Thee

Showing mercy and kindness

To sinners like me;

Who can compare

And who can equal Thee

In Thy unfailing care of me;

Let me worship Thee

With my lips and my heart

And let me be steadfast

From Thy favour never to part.

- Cathryne Allen

(Art by Yongsung Kim)

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