Monday 30 August 2021



I picked up a girls' colouring in book yesterday intending to buy it for my granddaughter, which was littered with motivational phrases like 'you can be anything you want to be and do anything you want to do' and 'a smart girl knows her limits but an extraordinary girl knows she has none'. This is one of the fallacies of the world that is intended to empower women and inadvertently make them feel like failures, because the reality is that you can't do or be anything you want to be and yes you do have limits.

I for instance, adore good art and good music but no matter how much I try or even get some training in art and music, I will never write a symphony or paint a masterpiece, simply because of one little thing called 'talent'. The voice that tells me contrary to this truth is the voice of the world.

I talked about talents with my grandchildren recently. My ten year old granddaughter is a promising artist. When I pointed this out, my other granddaughter said, "I'm good at drawing too". I said she was but not like her sister and that her talent was making people feel loved to which she replied: "Oh, I have the best talent of all!" And yes she does....

The world doesn't value so much who we are but what we are. The world values only what can be seen, hence so much emphasis is placed on accumulating worldly possessions. We endeavour to define ourselves by our houses, our careers and our looks. Our spiritual identity is largely overlooked for one reason: he who is in charge of the world seeks to destroy our spiritual identity. But there is one person who seeks to build it.

If there was ever one person who had the power to possess anything in this world and be anything he wanted to be, it was the Saviour who chose to be a lowly carpenter....think about it..... and contrast it with the ancient kings of Israel who amassed incredible fortunes and fame. The Saviour had the right to the Jewish throne, but instead He remained true to His spiritual self and to His role as the Saviour of the world. And where would we be now if He hadn't????

We are all here for a certain purpose suited to who we are. Sometimes it is enough to just be 'inherently good'. You never know who you are going to inspire, serve or change with just that and that's good enough. Don't be fooled by what the world says you should be, only remember one thing: there was someone who died for WHO you true to that person and to yourself.

I marvel that you would love an imperfect me,
That you would want me by your side;
I marvel that you see my worth
In this sullied pattern of mortal life.
With thankfulness you remember the me
That once walked the clouds with Thee,
That you see who I once used to be,
The woman I long forever to be.

- Cathryne Allen
(Art by Liz Lemon Swindle)

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