Wednesday 1 September 2021



I recently finished writing my personal history. This week I decided to read it for any needed corrections. My heart was rent each time I read of any reference to my home land of Croatia and my childhood. I was 13 when my family migrated to Australia. What remains etched in my heart the most about the home of my birth is the land and its’ nature….every wheatfield I ran through, every tree I climbed, every patch of grass with blooming spring flowers……it is all so firmly locked in my heart. 

Some years ago I learnt that when the 10 tribes of Israel were carried off into captivity, some were scattered throughout Europe. This explained to me my love for the Old Testament. I had always felt ancient Israel were ‘my people’. My patriarchal blessing tells me I am a ‘true Israelite of the seed of Abraham’. Having a progenitor such as Abraham is something I consider to be my greatest earthly blessing. It is from him I inherited ‘the believing blood of Israel’ and all its’ associated blessings that I was able to pass onto my children and grandchildren.

When I came to understand my Israelite roots, I could see that my upbringing in the agrarian way of life in Croatia was a connection of sorts to ancient Israel who subsisted by their dependency on the land. When I read the record of their doings, I know what harvests are and what seasonal festivals are and what shepherds are. And I understand many spiritual truths that were taught by the Saviour using the metaphors that related to agrarian way of life.

I am amazed how closely bonded we are with mother Earth. I guess it is no wonder, since we were physically created from her. The older I get, the more I crave the nature of my youth.  In it I see the majesty of Him who created it. When I see the richness of the Earth, I see His glory. I am amazed at His power of creation. I amazed at who He is……it’s another connection.

His gift, the beauty of this earth,

To soften the blow of turbulence

So relentlessly near;

With every movement of the trees

And the rustle of its leaves,

He whispers: “I am here”


-       Cathryne Allen

(Art by Yongsung Kim)

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