Friday 2 February 2024




Before Lehi died he said something highly profound to his children. He said: “I am encircled about eternally in the arms of his love” (2 Nephi 1:15). Note that he did not say I ‘will be’, when I am judged and found worthy and will therefore be rewarded with eternal life with God. He said I ‘AM’, meaning he was already there, in His arms, with not an iota of the world between the two of them. How did Lehi end up in the Father’s arms while still in his probationary state? The answer lies in the rest of this scripture. Firstly, he says his soul was redeemed from hell. This sounds like an iron clad assurance that his sins were forgiven him.  Secondly, he says he has beheld his glory. The assurance of his forgiveness most likely came from a personal visitation from the Lord where his calling and election was made sure. This scripture says a great deal to me about Lehi and the life he lived. The lost 116 pages of the Book of Mormon would be an incredible read.

There is a distinction between the Church and the Gospel. The role of the Church is to bring us to Christ and the role of Christ is to bring us to the Father, and that means not just in the eternities, but also here. In every way, we are being trained and prepared here and now to live in the Father’s presence. This is the goal. The Saviour came not only to atone for us but also to reveal the Father to us (see “The Grandeur of God” by Jeffrey R. Holland, October 2003 conference talk).

Being a good member of the Church and being in God’s arms are two different things. You can be a good member by mechanically obeying the rules but being in God’s embrace means validating Him in your life. How do we do that? By making Him our partner in all our responsibilities, overcoming our downfalls, seeking His guidance and His will, turning to Him in all things and being aligned with His Spirit in righteousness. It is making Him a reality rather than a belief.

Some time ago I had a wonderful experience whilst I was praying. I had a vision in my mind of being in Father’s arms leaning against His ample chest. It made me weep uncontrollably. At the time I thought that was a memory from my pre-existence and it might very well have been but I know that our relationship with Him here and now can be described in those terms as well. If we feel the closeness, the love, the devotion, if we feel Him in our lives because we are aligned with Him and His will, we are in His arms…..we are being more than just good members of the Church and His offspring. We are being children of God.

I yearn to feel the closeness of

Your presence

And once again feel the warmth of

Your embrace.

I come to You, Father,

Through the gift of

Your Son’s benevolent grace.


(Art: Beloved Son by Danny Hahlbohm)

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