Tuesday 6 February 2024



When I was baptized at 18 years of age, I said to the missionaries who baptized me: “I will never give a talk and I will never go on a mission”. Three months later I was giving my first talk and when I turned 21 I knew I had to go on a mission. My resistance was hard to overcome. I simply did not want to go. As my obstinacy grew, it began to nurture criticism of the Church. I became troubled to the point where I was driven to my knees. Shortly after my prayer, the confirmation was given of what I already knew and was resisting so hard and I was reborn. My attitude about everything changed and all my fears and concerns went away. I fulfilled an honourable mission which strengthened my convert’s heart. That was 45 years ago. I did the right thing but I missed a very big lesson which is this: when you are not in alignment with God, you are swimming against the tide.

Like a lot of people, I like to ride on a roller coaster of worrying over my life to the point where I would periodically hit rock bottom in my mental health. Then God would lift me up and give me clarity, and then I would walk on air until the next wave of my cycle hit. The last wave was affecting me far too much until I was enlightened to understand that I needed to step up on my ladder of faith. I understood in that moment that this would solve everything I had concerns about. As soon as I came to this understanding, my spirits rose and I understood the path that was God’s purpose for me. I knew the direction I was to take and I was stunned at the instant turn-around in my emotional well-being. I also realized that I experienced this quick turn around every time God lifted me up and I chose to follow His counsel.

Whatever it is that is preventing you from being in alignment with God, it will always produce fears, doubts, concerns, worries, and a myriad of other negative emotions that tear us down. If you are in the grip of an addiction and sin, you will feel a dislike of self and a barrier between you and God. When you are in alignment, all this goes away. This is called peace. We had sufficient faith in this earth life before we were born. We had faith that it could give us the desired end and we had faith in ourselves that we would allow God to guide us to that end. Now that we are here, it is time to allow Him to travel that road with us and to save us from unnecessary turmoil that we inflict upon ourselves. He will give us wisdom, He will give us peace, He will give us life eternal.

I will look to Thee to lift me up

When into the depths of sorrow

I sink and comfort cannot find;

I will look to Thee to lift me up

When nothing makes sense

In my troubled finite mind.

I will look to Thee to lift me up

When forsaken I happen to be;

I will look to Thee to lift me up

When trials seek to swallow me.

I will look to Thee to lift me up

When farewell I have to say,

Lift me up with tender mercies

In thine arms to gently lay.


(Art: Rescue Me by Yongsung Kim)

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