Sunday 18 February 2024



I offer this as a way of hope to anyone who is struggling with any level of obedience…..

One year as I studied the Old Testament I became fascinated with the rituals of animal sacrifice performed by ancient Israel. I looked at it in depth to satisfy my fascination but I did not expect it to take my understanding of the Atonement to the next level. I am still learning about this unfathomable sacrifice of Christ which is beyond our mortal understanding but the knowledge I have so far obtained has aided me, beyond my expectation, in living the gospel.

My greatest fascination with animal sacrifice was with the practice of applying the sacrificial blood of the animal, by the priest, to the right ear, right thumb and right toe of the person that was to be consecrated to God. These three parts of the body represented hearing the word of God, acting according to it and walking in His paths according to His commandments, that thereby the consecrated person might be sanctified through the power of the Atonement (see Keil and Delitzsch, Commentary, 1:2:387-88 as quoted by the Old Testament Student Manual). Learning of the significance of applying the sacrificial blood to the person for the purposes of sanctification and consecration had a great impact on me. I incorporated the practice of consecrating myself to God, through thought, word and deed, in my morning prayers. As I did so, the image of the priest applying the sacrificial blood to ear, thumb and toe would come into my mind to accompany my words.  This practice of daily consecration was something that strengthened my resolve to obey the command of ‘practicing virtue and holiness before God continually’ (D&C 46:33) and my obedience improved dramatically. A weakness that had troubled me for a long time was turned into a strength and a stumbling block removed from my path.  

And here is something interesting: the lamb offered in sacrificial rituals represented Christ as the sacrifice for humanity, the priest represented Christ as the Mediator and the person who offered the lamb for the sacrifice represented Christ standing in for others not being able to pay for justice of sin. These are the three roles He undertook during the Atonement: the sacrifice, the mediator and the substitute  (Jukes, Law of the Offerings, pp 44-45 as quoted in the Old Testament Student Manual p 160). The entire ritual of sacrificing just one animal emulated the propitiation of Christ in every way, in its entirety (1 John 2:2; 4:10).

I hope when we are brought before the God of our salvation on judgment day and He views us with an all-searching eye (2 N 9:44) that we will be found consecrated to Him in every thought, word, and deed, walking in holiness and virtue before Him and because of it, our confidence will wax strong in His presence (D&C 121:45) and we will confidently walk into His arms to remain there forever…..


(Art: The Lamb by Stephen Sawyer)

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