Sunday 4 February 2024




In conjunction with his profound statement that he was ‘encircled about eternally in the arms of His love’ (2 Nephi 1:15), Lehi said something else that was just as profound. I say conjunction, because I think the content of these two scriptures are related. This is the scripture:  “And he hath said that: Inasmuch as ye shall keep my commandments ye shall prosper in the land; but inasmuch as ye will not keep my commandments ye shall be cut off from my presence” (v 20). This, I think, is what landed Lehi in God’s arms and this is why.

To prosper in the land is not a reference to being rich. Scripturally, prosperity means to have the blessing of being close to God, to be in His presence, that’s the opposite of being ‘cut off’. The fact that God’s commandments are closely tied to spiritual blessings of righteousness, peace, faith, fortitude, self-control and ultimately eternal life, confirms this fact. Another fact, Alma the Younger, in his sinful state, became a hindrance to the ‘prosperity’ of the Church (Mosiah 27:9). The prosperity of the Church was not tied to the riches of this world but to the hearts and spiritual well being of its members. For this reason, this advice is given over and over in the Book of Mormon (1 Nephi 2:20; 2 Nephi 1:9; 20, 31; Jarom 1:9; Mosiah 1:7; Alma 37:13; 49:30; 50:20).

To prosper means to move forward, to be added upon, to successfully come out of difficulties, to have things work out for you, to have all you need come to you providentially, to be spared misfortune, to thrive, to flourish. Consider this explanation from the Church D&C Institute Manual: “To be rich and successful is of this world. God’s blessings are spiritual, in line with the spiritual realm that He is part of. His presence and strengthening power in your life are for the benefit of your eternal prosperity. He makes you prosper eternally because His work and His glory is to bring to pass immortality and eternal life of man. Though wealth and success can be byproducts of the Lord’s prospering presence, they are not meant to be equated with it. Spiritual blessings of wisdom, understanding and knowledge are spiritual blessings that can lead to riches and success. He does not necessarily bring wealth into your life himself”. This explanation goes along well with evidence of God’s presence in Lehi’s life, because Lehi was not only spiritually but temporally rich too.

This fact is true. If you let go of the world, God will come to you… more ways than one. But if you acquire riches as the result, be careful, riches are a trial of their own. Reflect on Nephite’s cycle of pride. The question is, what do we want more? To be in God’s arms or in the arms of the world?

I come to Thee Father,

In whose arms I belong,

Whose arms I once left long ago.

No earth’s breath between us

To mar the union of our souls,

No desires of heart to match our eternal joy.


(My apologies for inadequate referencing of the Institute Manual which I neglected to note at the time).


(Art: Home by David Bowman)

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