Friday 9 February 2024



There is something exquisite about the Book of Mormon and it is this: The Saviour can be seen on every page. Whether it is through His recorded dealings with people of the Americas or what others have said about Him, or revelations He has given to other people, this book of scripture makes the Saviour real and provides a wealth of knowledge about His character. Reading chapter 3 of 2 Nephi that deals with the prophecies of Joseph of Egypt has left me in awe of this fact.  Such detailed outline of something that would happen centuries later proves a remarkable truth: the Christ that we worship is a god who has the past, the present, and the future before Him at all times and is therefore in perfect control of the outcome of the Plan of Salvation (D&C 130:7).

To me this chapter is a wealth of knowledge. Here’s one: In latter-day prophecy regarding the coming forth of the Book of Mormon, the Saviour told Joseph of Egypt that the voices of those who would write the records would ‘cry from the dust……after many generations have gone by them…because of their faith (2 Nephi 3:20,21). Who’s faith? Enos, for one, comes to mind. Enos pleaded with the Lord that He would preserve the records of his people and bring them forth unto the Lamanites that ‘they might be brought unto salvation’ (Enos 1:13). And take note of this: ‘Wherefore, I knowing that the Lord God was able to preserve our records, I cried unto him continually, for he had said unto me: Whatsoever thing ye shall ask IN FAITH, believing that ye shall receive in the name of Christ, ye shall receive it and I had faith…..’ (Enos 1 :15,16). Is this not a voice from the dust? Have the records not been preserved? Have they not come forth to bring salvation to the Lamanites and indeed the whole of the House of Israel?

This is what captures my heart. Enos was in pre-existence, with the rest of those who would record the history of ancient America, when the Lord gave that detailed prophecy of the Nephites to Joseph of Egypt. Why is this so relevant to us? Because it should give us courage knowing that if we place our trust in the Lord, He will bring us in the end where we are meant to be…. because He knows what that end is. He knew it before you were even born. All you have to do is walk the path he sets before you and you will arrive at your ultimate destination. He will give you your ultimate end. Trust in the process and stay aligned with Him every day of your life. He knows where you have been, He knows where you are now, and He knows where you will end up. Because He knows your end, He will guide you to avoid the pitfalls, remove your stumbling blocks and protect you from forces that are working to tear you down. All He asks is that you let Him be your God.

I marvel as You lead me

Over mountains and over vales.

And when I fall,

You soothe away my pains.

I marvel at Thy patience,

I marvel at Thy love,

I marvel at Thy faith in me

And what I will become.



(Art: Guiding Light by Annie Henrie Nader)

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