Wednesday 4 May 2022




I recently had a discussion with someone close to me who is a very strong member of the Church and who has struggled with a debilitating issue his whole life. After years of unsuccessful counselling from various bishops and professionals he has become despondent and desperate. Having had a successful healing myself, I testified   that the ultimate help comes from the Saviour and faith in His Atonement. He replied that faith is ‘airy fairy’ and that he doesn’t really believe in it, that it’s just too hard. I was astounded and saddened. This man has been a strong member of the Church his whole life and faith in Jesus Christ, being the first principle of the Gospel (Articles of Faith 1:4), is the foundation of our religion. Upon further thought I realised that it is easy for some to have faith in the Church that they can see but not in Christ whom they cannot see. The Church is a religion institution that is meant to bring us to Christ but it would seem that some of us never arrive at His feet. Some of us fail to truly believe that Christ can do what He says He can do because we don't put Him to the test.


In his conference talk entitled “We Heeded Them Not”,  Elder David Bednar spoke of Lehi’s dream and the iron rod by which people reached the tree of life (1 Nephi 8). He pointed out that Nephi’s definition of the iron rod is the word of God (1 Nephi 15:24). Generally, we consider this to be the Saviour’s teachings and His gospel. Elder Bednar took this to another level when He pointed out that one of the names of Jesus Christ is “The Word” (Revelation 19:13). We are all familiar with ‘the Word of God’ by which all things were created (John 1:1,14; Moses 1:32).  John also called the Saviour ‘The Word of Life’ (1 John 1:1). This scripture, however, is the one which speaks to my heart: “In the beginning the Word was, for He was the Word, even the messenger of salvation - The light and the Redeemer of the world because the world was made by Him and in Him was the life of men and the light of men; the worlds were made by him; all things were made by him, and through him and of him” (D&C 93:8-11). 


If in Him is the life of men and the light of men, then all power and all might is in Him to enable, deliver, heal, redeem and save all those He has created. If in Him is the power to create men and worlds without end, then ‘The Word’ is The Supreme, The Ultimate, the Alpha and Omega, the ALL, and there is nothing else. Nephi told his brothers if they would ‘hold fast’ to The Word; not cling to, look at, or just believe in, that they would never perish (1 Nephi 15:24).  Many of us are slowly perishing from the effects of this corruptible world, through sin or mental and physical trials and yet there is a power that can fix it all, the power of The Word. 


I look to Thee to lift me up

When into the depths of sorrow

I sink and comfort cannot find;

I look to Thee to lift me up 

When nothing makes sense

In my troubled finite mind.

I look to Thee to lift me up

When forsaken I happen to be;

I look to Thee to lift me up

When trials seek to swallow me.

I will look to Thee to lift me up

When farewell I have to say,

Lift me up with tender mercies 

In thine arms to gently lay.


(Art: Rescue Me by Yongsung Kim)

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