Monday 23 May 2022




Some of us are inclined to think that the events of the past contained in the scriptures are not really relevant to us today. Every time I study the Old Testament I see the lessons that still apply because as they say, history repeats itself……. because we rarely learn from those gone before us. Ancient Israel was warned if they joined in with the wicked, they would be destroyed with the wicked (Deuteronomy 7:2-4). We stand to suffer the same punishment if we join with the world today. We all know what awaits the wicked when the hour of His appearing is upon us.


There is something very significant we can take from ancient Israel’s occupation of the promised land of Canaan. In his narration of the 40 year wanderings before entering the promised land, the great Moses prepared the Israelites with a very sober explanation of who they were and what their role was. He was very clear that the Lord had not chosen them to possess Canaan because of their righteousness (because they were a stiffnecked people (Deuteronomy 9:6), but because they were chosen to be a ‘special people above all people that are upon the face of the earth’ (Deuteronomy 7:6). And this is the reason why: because they were the descendants of Abraham with whom Jehovah made an everlasting covenant, it was their responsibility to cleanse Canaan of an idolatrous people, to abolish idolatry, and re-instate the worship of Jehovah. The responsibility was not wholly spiritual though; part of the Abrahamic covenant was the land of Canaan which was promised to Abraham’s posterity forever, so Canaan was rightfully theirs.


How is this relevant to us today? The Abrahamic covenant bridges time because it is an everlasting covenant. The covenant being this in a nutshell: for the privilege of blessings of the priesthood, we would take the gospel to all the nations of the earth and spread righteousness among those we live and interact with. Our method of installing the worship of Jehovah might be different but the responsibility to be an ensign to the nations is the same. And here is our motivation, so eloquently spoken by Moses: “…..this is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the nations, which shall hear all these statues, and say, Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people. For what nation is there so great who hath God so nigh unto them…And what nation is there so great that hath statues and judgments so righteous as all this law…..???”  (Deuteronomy 4:5-9)  What nation indeed? 


What other nation has the fulness of the Gospel? What other nation has the priesthood ordinances of salvation and exaltation? What other nation knows our beloved Saviour like we know Him through modern revelation? What other nation is ‘the apple of His eye’ (Deuteronomy 32:9,10; Zechariah 2:8; Psalm 17:8)? What other nation are the jewels in His crown (Exodus 28:17-21; Malachi 3:17; D&C 60:4; 101:3)? I hear the echo from Isaiah still: “O Israel, fear not; for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine [forever]” (Isaiah 43:1-3).


(Art: Almost Time by Danny Hahlbohm)

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