Tuesday 26 April 2022



I am overcome this morning. Every time I study the Old Testament and revisit the magnitude of Israel’s exodus from Egypt I am overwhelmed with the power of our God. I cannot imagine the magnitude of this momentous undertaking. The census in the book of Numbers puts the number of men over 20 who were capable of engaging in war at 653,050 (Numbers 1:46). When adding women and children, it is estimated by historians that the total number of Israel’s congregation would have been close to 2 million. That number would have increased over the 40 years of journeying. Imagine this magnitude of people marching and camping for 40 years. Now imagine being in charge of the whole operation…… No wonder Moses exclaimed: I am not able to bear all this people alone, because it is too heavy for me!” (Numbers 11:14). But Moses did bear it because of one reason only…..because of the God of Israel….who travelled with His chosen people and went before them in a cloud by day (Numbers 10:34; Psalm 78:14) and bade them rest by night (Numbers 9:21-23). 


I cannot adequately express in words what splendour the march of Israel conjured in my mind as I read how this was accomplished. The Saviour instructed Moses the congregation should march in groups of 4, with each group consisting of 3 tribes, on the west, south, east and north surrounding the tabernacle with Levites who were consecrated to the service of caring for the tabernacle and priesthood ordinances within, to be in the middle. The places of honour, at the head and immediately following the tabernacle and the Levites were held by Judah and Ephraim (Numbers 2). I imagine Judah because Christ was to come from that line and Ephraim because He is God’s firstborn:”…for I am a father to Israel, and Ephraim is my firstborn” (Jeremiah 31:9) and because the 10 tribes will be crowned with glory at Ephraims’ hands (D&C 133:32). Those of you who are of this tribe should weep at such a statement. If you are, you are my people. It seriously sears my heart every time I read this. 


My only hope is that I was allowed to view the solemnity of Israel’s historic journey in my pre-existent state. Why does this touch my heart so?  Because the deliverance of our people Israel shows me the Saviour’s power of deliverance of my soul. My heart is filled with gratitude this day for the God that I worship. There is no feat He cannot accomplish, there is no power He does not have, there is no sin He cannot forgive, there is nothing He cannot accomplish with me. I want to sing the song of redeeming love and shout from the rooftops: glory be His forever and ever!!!!

Thou art our everlasting God,

Jehovah, our King,

Who has loved us and chosen us as Thine own.

We bow before Thee and bend the knee,

In solemnity, we offer our hearts to Thee.

Keep us as the apple of Thine eye,

Hide us under the shadow of Thy wings

That we might never stray again

And cause Thee sorrow;

And help us wait for Thee

In the dawning of tomorrow. 



(Art: Second Coming by Jon McNaughton)

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