Thursday 12 May 2022



I often joke that we are operating here in this telestial life on an intelligence level called ‘stupidity’. I am often amazed at the blunders and messes we make even amongst the most intelligent of us, hence the world’s terrible shape. When I study the scriptures, I am marvel at the simplicity with which the Lord speaks to us, how He relates to us on our level of understanding. I would imagine His method of communication would be far superior to our own yet He, a god,  speaks to us as if He is one of us. I stand in awe of His understanding of our capacities and His ensuing compassion. No doubt this is evident in our personal revelation as well. I have had answers to prayer that have been rather unusual yet very suitable to the way my brain works and the way I process information. I am certain nobody else would understand them. This to me is an assurance of how well the Saviour knows us personally; what we are capable and ready to receive; our capacity to act and our limitations as we live by faith. 


The Godhead under whose supervision we exist is our greatest saving grace:  

- The Father because He has created us and nurtured us in the beginning and knows the nature of our spirits to the utmost, He knows the outcome of our lives because He knows our inclinations and the level of our obedience the most. I am convinced He knows me better than I know myself;

- The Saviour who has experiential knowledge of my life and my soul which enables His mercy to be extended to me and therefore knows how to aid me and most importantly, to mediate and intercede with the Father on my behalf; 

- The Holy Ghost who touches my heart and whispers to my soul. I feel bonded to him in immense gratitude for His administration to my spirit. His presence in my life often reduces me to tears. 

 The path of faith is rich, exquisite and priceless….far above any treasures of this earth. There are so many of us yet in Godhead’s eyes, we are only one. We matter. We are of immense worth because we are of royal birth; kings, queens, priests and priestesses of royal courts above, we are far more than this world can ever see in us: the glorious, the eternal, the supernal.

You see me Father, despite heaven’s vast expanse,

You hear the burning beat of my heart

Amidst the numberless host of heaven.

You cherish me 

More than the stars that encircle thy throne;

Thy greatness is endless,

Thy power sublime.

In my appointed hour,

Carry me home

In the strength of Thy loving arms.



(Art: Godhood by Danny Hahlbohm)

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