Tuesday 31 May 2022




We live in a world where people are divided and their hearts are failing them (D&C 45:26; 88:91). I have seen members of the same family and friends turning against each other with the  recent pandemic fear that has gripped so many of us. We are making the Saviour’s prediction in quoted scriptures come to pass. We, who are true followers of Christ are expected to do better and we CAN do better. By virtue of our discipleship, we have access to the pure love of Christ which we can spread throughout the world in the spirit of brotherhood which is so desperately needed today.  In this respect we can become His ambassadors. We can become servants of Christ. True service of fellowmen means emulating Christ and His treatment of others. It’s allowing a measure of Christ’s regard and love for others to reach them through you.


President Boyd K. Packer took this theory to another level when he said “we ourselves can participate in an atonement. When we are willing to restore to others that which we have not taken, or heal wounds that we did not inflict, or pay a debt that we did not incur, we are emulating His part in the Atonement.” (“The Brilliant Morning of Forgiveness”, Ensign Nov 1995). Imagine going to such lengths to make someone’s life easier and imagine what change of spirit that would create within you. 


Consider Job.  God called him ‘perfect’ because of his impeccable obedience  (Job 1:8) but His emulation of the Saviour came like this: He strengthened weak hands (4:3); He supported those who were falling (4:4); He strengthened the feeble knees (4:4); He delivered the poor (29:12); He cared for the orphans (29:12); He helped those whom no one else would help (29:12); He gave the widow cause to sing with joy (29:13); He was eyes to the blind (29:15); He was feet to the lame (29:15); He was father to the poor (29:16); He searched for people in need of his assistance (29:16); He never found joy in the suffering of his enemies (31:29); He never wished evil on his enemies (31:30); He opened his home to strangers (31:32). It is no wonder that Job’s trials were so great,  they had to match the stature of the man.


Job’s is an impressive example to look up to but the Saviour can make us equal to the task if we harbour that desire in our hearts. 


Your footsteps so big and so deep

Swallow my feeble feet;

I try to keep up

To tend Your vulnerable sheep;

To gather the lost,

To clothe, to feed;

So many for my poorly 

Devised shelter to keep.

Illuminate my steps dear Saviour

With Your glorious light;

And grant me Thy power

To feed them from Your godly heart.


(Art: The Good Samaritan by Liz Lemon Swindle)

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