We are told the worth of a soul is great in the eyes of God (D&C
17:10). What does that exactly mean? Does it mean our worth is great simply
because we are the offspring of Deity who loves us?
Well, there seems to be more to it than that. God told Enoch that we are
the ‘workmanship’ of His hands (Moses 7:32). If ‘workmanship’ insinuates
investment of labour and skill, the worth cannot be purely in the birth alone.
To arrive at the estimate of the worth, consider all the ‘work’ that
went into the making of YOU: 1. Your spiritual creation which depended on the
Father’s rise to Godhood; 2. Your spiritual tutoring for eons of time; 3. The
creation of the earth for your mortality; 4. Overseeing of your earthly
tutoring; 5. Preparation of kingdoms for your eternal destination; 6. The
redemption of your soul through sacrifice of another.
Now think of the scale of guidance, protection, care, overseeing,
anguish and sorrow of your Heavenly Parents, the Holy Ghost, your guardian
angels, your ancestors, your departed loved ones and all the hosts of heaven
who know you….and not just what others have put into you but what you have put
into yourself….in this life and before you even came here. Consider the
“In the prior life, we developed various capacities and talents. Some
developed them in one field and some in another. The most important of all
fields was the field of spirituality, the ability, the talent, the capacity to
recognise truth” (Bruce R. McConkie, When Thou Art Converted, Strengthen Thy
Brethren, A Study Guide for the Priesthood Quorums of the Church, 1974-75,
pp 8-9). This spiritual development was not only important for our own
salvation but also for the salvation of others.
Obviously, we achieved a lot before we were even born into mortality.
What price would you put to all the work that you put into yourself and the
investment of others into you??? I know two things: the price would be higher than we can
possibly imagine; and I know who paid it and why.
When Moses encountered God on Mount Sinai, God revealed Himself to him
and Moses saw the glory of God and every particle of this earth and all the
children of men (Moses 1:8,27) that have ever been created. The vision of God's
power was overwhelming to a man who grew up in an Egyptian court believing that
Pharoah was god and there was no one greater than him so he exclaimed that now
he could see that man is nothing (Moses 1:10).
God, however, didn't want Moses to miss the point so He showed him the
same vision again and concluded it with the most important message in the
scriptures: "For behold this is my work and my glory - to bring to pass
the immortality and eternal life of man" (Moses 1:39). The point that God
didn't want Moses to miss is this: amongst all of God's creations, none are
greater than man. Why? Because man constitutes God’s glory. All that we are and
all that we become matters because it leads to our glory and adds to His.
Surely Christ’s supreme sacrifice for all mankind is the crescendo of
all the work invested into each soul ever born on this earth, of every creed,
of every colour, of every nation. The Atonement is the crowning glory of the
work that has gone into you and me.
All the prior work that had been put into us would be in vain if there
was no Atonement, and even more importantly, there would be no future for any
of us, and the future is what counts, because it ensures our rightful place in
the eternal scheme of things.
It completes the Plan, it ensures the success of the Plan, it validates
the ‘workmanship’ and preserves its value. So with all the labour, material,
and struggle that has gone into your creation and development, how much do you
think your soul is worth?
(Art: Jesus the Creator by SKAI Studios)
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