Tuesday, 18 February 2025



There is a directive in Section 18 of Doctrine and Covenants which begs for our serious consideration. It says: “Contend against no church, save it be the church of the devil” (v 20).

When we think of the term ‘church’, we usually take it to mean a religion. Satan’s church, however, denotes a ‘kingdom’, the sphere of his influence, which spreads throughout the earth. This is his domain and so he is viewed as the god of this world.

In the scriptures, Satan’s kingdom is known by various names: Babylon, the great and abominable church, the mother of harlots, the church of the devil, and the kingdom of the devil (see 1 Nephi 22:22; 2 Nephi 28:18-19; Mormon 8:28-38; D&C 10:56; 18:20).

The Dictionary defines the word ‘contend’ to mean both “struggle to surmount a difficulty” and it also means to “assert something as a position in an argument”.

The second meaning directs us to the 11th Article of Faith which states that we allow all men the privilege to ‘worship how, where, or what they may. In other words, we are to respect the religious beliefs of those around us and not argue on points of doctrine. We are also told not to contend within the Church regarding the doctrine of Christ as contention leads to division (D&C 10:63; 3 Nephi 11:28-29)

The first meaning, as in a personal struggle to overcome, suggests resisting an influence, principle or persuasion that does not align with our knowledge of the truth and therefore not assimilating it into our lives. It means holding on to the iron rod without taking leave to travel on questionable roads that take us away from God.

The devil’s kingdom spreads far and wide throughout the earth and has infiltrated a lot of organisations and causes. His methods are subtle and often presented under the guise of something good.

President Nelson has issued us a warning to avoid Lucifer’s cunning snares who has ‘through eons of time honed his craft. He is skilled at distraction, distortion, deception and misdirection.” (Russell M Nelson, A Prophet’s Voice)

Last time we studied the Doctrine and Covenants, I took particular notice of what I was learning about this foe of humanity who was once ‘a son of the morning’ (D&C 76:26; Isaiah 14:12; 2 Nephi 24:12). Did you know that his pre-existence name of Lucifer literally means ‘the shining one’ or ‘lightbearer’? (Bible Dictionary).

So great was he in the beginning that he was in authority in God’s presence until his pride led him to thirst for prominence and power (D&C 76:25-6). He was so great that the heavens wept over him when he fell. When I reflected on this I sorrowed that we had lost someone with so much promise, who now seeks to make all men miserable like himself (2 Nephi 2:27).

I sorrowed so much that I penned this poem. May we remember that fall from grace and what he has become that we might not follow him in his misery…….but rather may we remember that the Saviour called Satan ‘a thief in the night’ who comes to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10). May we instead walk with Christ in whom the grace of salvation lies.


Like a thief in the night,

He seeks to steal, kill and destroy.

He is the collector of ruined lives,

The Master of ravaged souls.


He is the Son of the Morning,

His pride yielded irreversible cost

In the beginning we sorely wept

When his soul was forever lost.



(Art: Whispers of Whispers by Ivan Guaderrama)

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