It’s quite
surprising, is it not, that all three witnesses of the Book of Mormon plates
who saw an angel, left the Church at some point.
Whitmer left and never came back, Oliver Cowdery and Martin Harris were
eventually rebaptized and died in full fellowship. I don’t know why David
Whitmer never came back but I was happy to read he died with a testimony on his
lips as he addressed those around his bedside:
“Now you
must all be faithful in Christ. I want to say to you all, the Bible and the
record of the Nephites (Book of Mormon) is true, so you can say that you have
heard me bear testimony on my death-bed. All be faithful in Christ, and your
reward will be according o your works. God bless you all. My trust is in Christ
forever, worlds without end. Amen.” (In Jenson,
Biographical Encyclopedia, 1:270)
Harris also bore his testimony on his deathbed: “I did see the plates on which
the Book of Mormon was written; I did see the angel; I did hear the voice of
God; and I do know that Joseph Smith is a Prophet of God, holding the keys of
the Holy Priesthood.” (In Francis W.
Kirkham, New Witness of Christ, 1:253-4)
It would
seem that David Whitmer was in contact with Oliver Cowdery as he witnessed his
death and said this concerning his departure: “Oliver died the happiest man I
ever saw. After shaking hands with the family and kissing his wife and daughter,
he said,: ‘Now I lay me down for the last time; I am going to my Saviour’, and
he died immediately with a smile on his face.’ (In Francis W. Kirkham, New
Witness of Christ, 1:248)
persecution of the early saints was horrendous and I guess even seeing an angel
would not have eliminated the stress and pressure these men were under hence
the walking away. However, a lot of them that never saw the gold plates or an
angel survived and remained in full fellowship. It goes without saying, the
testimony of the spirit is stronger than one of sight.
No judgment
here. I don’t know what the persecution of that time was like but I have faced
opposition to my testimony during my life. I am facing it even now from someone
close to me. I don’t know if I would be able to withstand it if I had never
nurtured the seed of my faith for the past 49 years since my baptism, and never
allowed it to sprout and grow into a tree as per Alma’s inspired discourse in
Alma 32.
The promise
is that because of diligence and patience in nourishing the word, we shall
eventually pluck the fruit of the tree, ‘which is most precious, which is sweet
above all that is sweet, and which is white above all that is white, yea, and
pure above all that is pure; and we shall feast upon this fruit even until we
are filled, that we hunger not, neither shall we thirst’ (Alma 32:42).
fruit of our faith is none other than Christ himself. Because of the fulness of
our faith in Him, we too can exclaim at our departure, “I am going to my
Saviour” and leave with a smile on our face……This is the sweet death that we
should want.
truth pierces my soul
binds me to Your loving heart.
teaching moments
my hungry mind
feed me like a bird in flight.
faith is laid at Your feet
I, I come to you dear Saviour
these riches that are mine to keep.
(Art: The Gift by Annie Henrie Nader)
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