Wednesday, 26 February 2025




I am learning how subtle the adversary is in his persecution of the faithful. I recently wrote about the enemy moving amongst the early saints of the Church who sought to discredit Joseph and the work of the restoration. We usually expect opposition to come from all corners of the world but I am convinced that is not so.

Unrighteous influence and unrelenting persuasion to abandon our convictions of the truth often come within the Church also. This is very much manifest through the well-meaning Saints who have themselves abandoned the Gospel and walked away from the Church.

I read today something jarring that has made me see how incredibly important it is for us to stand our ground where our testimony of the Church, the Gospel and our Saviour Jesus Christ is concerned.

Consider the adversary’s greatest push to destroy our faith in the beginning of ‘the end’:

“Lucifer will be perniciously zealous in manifesting his great power among his dominions at that day when the ambassadors of the Lord pass through every kingdom crying repentance (D&C 1:35).

“Lucifer’s technique will be to feed the sign-seeking multitudes of the earth with sensational exhibitions (Rev 16:14). He will show them fire coming down from heaven (Rev 13:13-14). He will raise up false Christs and false prophets, and so great will be their power that, ‘if possible, they shall deceive the very elect, according to the covenant (JSMatt 1:22; Matt 24:11-13).” 

-        Clean Skousen, Prophecy and Modern Times p 62

Who are the elect? Us, who have become the covenant people. But just because we have become  so, it does not mean that we cannot be deceived. The operative term in this scripture is, “if possible”. What would make it impossible for us to be deceived?

Firstly, if we build upon our testimonies on regular basis and allow the Holy Ghost to feed us spiritually we will come to the point where no counterfeits of the adversary would be able to match our convictions of the spirit. We will see the deception clearly.

Secondly, if we regularly resist the smallest attempts of anyone, even the well-meaning members of the Church who try to convince us to believe anything contrary to the guidance we receive from the leadership of the Church, we will build upon our resilience.

Thirdly, and most importantly, if we center ourselves upon Christ, we will know Him and His Gospel, it will be impossible to be deceived by the anti-Christs. May we study the scriptures intently that we might gain this knowledge and seek the witness of His character and greatness constantly to keep our testimonies burning so bright that nothing can extinguish them.

You sowed Your truth

Deep within my heart;

So deep, the enemy cannot

sever us apart.


You bid me to nurture the seeds of faith

So you can forever cherish my name;

You are my keeper of salvation’s flame.


(Art: The Sower by Annie Henrie Nader)

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