Elder Carlos E. Asay had the following dream concerning the Lord's armour:
"As a small boy in grammar school, I had a teacher who made King Arthur and the knights of the Round Table come alive. She caused me to become so obsessed with stories of knights that I played and dreamed that I was one. One evening I dreamed that I was a white knight on a white horse riding over the greens of England. Suddenly, without warning, a knight dressed in black armour and mounted on a black horse appeared at the edge of the forest. We measured each other carefully, lowered our lances, and charged at full gallop. The lances struck target and both of us were knocked off our steeds.
"I scrambled to my feet knowing that swords would be drawn and that hand-to-hand combat was imminent. Fear gripped my heart as I saw my opponent rushing toward me flashing a long, gleaming sword. Instinctively, I reached to my side and drew forth from the scabbard my weapon. That is when the dream turned into a nightmare! For in my hand was a small, dinky dagger - not a long, gleaming sword. I woke up in a cold sweat screaming for help.
"Many times since that nightmarish experience, I have wondered about
the serviceability of the Saints, particularly the young Latter-day
Saints. When God calls you to serve, are you positioned in the scabbard
and ready to be drawn? When the Lord draws you forth as his instrument in
combating evil forces, what does he have in his hand - a long, gleaming sword
or a dinky dagger?...The saving virtue of a sword is related to its strength,
sharpness, cleanliness, and the hand which guides it. Is it not the same
with people? I would pray that you would seek strength of character,
sharpness of mind, and cleanliness of soul so as to become gleaming swords of
righteousness. By doing this, there will be no embarrassment, no
disappointment, and no nightmare when He draws you out in battling the powers
of darkness"
Thy love burns within us ever so bright
We bear Thy holy name,
And in Thee unite
Through the Gospel's everlasting flame.
(Put On the Armour of God by Celestial Heritage)
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