Sunday, 9 February 2025



I was going to write my assessment of why Oliver Cowdery missed out on translating scriptural records, as he at one stage desired, but I saw more value in this.

In Section 8 of Doctrine and Covenants we read the Lord telling Oliver Cowdery he had a special gift, the gift of Aaron (v 6). This in my mind was of more importance to Oliver’s eternal progression than the gift of translation. And here is why:

“Aaron was the elder brother of Moses. Being prompted by the Spirit of the Lord, he met his younger brother in the wilderness and accompanied him to Egypt. He introduced him to the children of Israel in the land of Goshen. He was his spokesman before Pharaoh, and he assisted him in opening up the dispensation which Moses was commissioned to proclaim (Exodus 4:27-31). This was the gift of Aaron.” (Smith and Sjodahl, Commentary, p 44, Doctrine and Covenants Student Manual, p 19). Aaron was a forerunner……

I have always thought it admirable that Aaron, though older accepted so readily that his younger brother was chosen to be Israel’s prophet and law giver. I imagine that would have been of immense support and comfort to Moses who carried such a heavy burden and responsibility.

I will not go into detailed history of Aaron who had his own faults but will say this…..he fulfilled his purpose and was granted the greatest honour in Israel by becoming the first high priest and having the lesser priesthood named after him.

In some respects, Oliver Cowdery was the Aaron of the new and last dispensation. He served prominently as the Second Elder, the Assistant President of the Church, and an assistant counselor to the First Presidency. In other words, never the leader at the helm but always the support. This to me means he helped built people up to fulfil their purpose. He was the backbone of the success of others, not to mention the source of comfort and strength to Joseph who went through hell to accomplish what was given to him to accomplish.

Oliver was blessed with immense spiritual privileges as the bearer of the gift of Aaron: he was one of the three witnesses of the golden plates as shown by the hand of an angel; he had the Aaronic priesthood conferred upon him by John the Baptist and he witnessed the appearance of Jesus Christ and angelic ministers in the Kirtland temple a week after the dedication.

Sometimes we feel overlooked because we are not in the front trenches. The Saviour certainly wasn’t when He was here. He was here to build others, to show them the way, to unite them through fellowship and brotherly love.

In today’s world we need to push back against the things that divide us. This is Satan’s greatest tool. If he can succeed, then we will tear each other down and not build each other up. He has dedicated himself to prevent us from becoming a Zion people. We mustn’t allow it. We must be an ensign to the world.

We must rise and become each other’s greatest ally…..we must be our brother’s keeper. We must lift each other to higher ground. We must strive to be Aarons of this world because Aarons get to see Christ too.


I helped a few along the way

And kept my love close to my heart

Until it became too heavy to bear.


It overflowed my weakened arms

And scattered along humanity’s path.

Like crumbs from the table it fed a few,

The lonely, the weak and the weary.


I spread my arms wide

And fed a throng for many years

Until each cared for soul

Paved the trail of my happy tears.



(Art: I Am He Who Liveth by Eva Koleva Timothy)

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