Tuesday 28 September 2021



Nephi recorded that the Lord had advised him and his family not to make fire whilst journeying in the wilderness, not even to cook food. Nephi doesn't record the reasons why but according to historians, this was so that they would not be an attraction to warring bedouin factions in the region and possible looters. What Nephi does record is the Lord's reassurance: "I will be your light....and I will prepare the way before you" (1 Nephi 17:13). Whether this reassurance was given to them at the beginning of the journey or not, it validates Nephi's conviction that the Lord does not command us to do anything without preparing the way (1 Nephi 3:7).

None of us have been asked to undertake such an arduous and demanding task as colonising a new continent and spending 8 years travelling in a wilderness, not knowing beforehand where it is we are going. I am in awe of Lehi and his family for doing such a thing. I do know, however, that everyone at one stage has to carry some burden and what seems like an insurmountable one to some may not be so much to another.

If you are faced with some difficult journey or you need to unload some heavy burden you have been carrying, know this: He is your light and He will prepare the way. Take courage and turn to Him who is the source of all help; who knows the way; who is a lamp unto your feet. Fear nothing and hope for everything.

Thou art my light,
My Prince of Peace,
Who will prepare the way
For me to go where
I have not gone before.
Wherever you send me
I will eagerly go;
To the ends of the earth,
Over mountains
And over the seas,
Light my way, and in the end
Bring me home to Thee.

  • Cathryne Allen
(Art by Yongsung Kim)

Thursday 23 September 2021



The return of Nephi and his brothers to Jerusalem to retrieve the brass plates reads like "Arabian Nights". If you study the historical background of Jerusalem’s life 600 BC and the details of these boys’ undertaking, you cannot help but feel this.

There is something that stands out to me with great significance in this story. It’s the concept of character. When the lot fell to Laman to approach Laban about the records, he failed miserably. I wonder with what conviction Laman requested the records. Did he feel they were sacred and important enough to obtain? I doubt it as he and his brother Lemuel made it clear to their father they didn’t even want to make the journey (1 N 3:5). I wonder if Laman’s approach is what made Laban angry (1 N 3:13). He accused him of being a robber. Was it just Laman’s botched up request or did he have a bit of a bad reputation in Jerusalem that Laban knew about and felt that Laman couldn’t be trusted. One thing is certain, Laman did not have the right spirit to carry out this important task.

Now consider Nephi. Straight after the first attempt, his brothers were ready to leave the task undone. Nephi however remained true to his testimony that the Lord doesn’t give us a command for which he has not prepared a way for us to accomplish it (1 N 3:7). He immediately proved this to be true by pointing out that their father had left all their riches behind in Jerusalem which they could use as payment for the plates (1 N 3:16). So convinced he was that his father was being led by the spirit of God that he considered the possibility that Lehi was inspired to leave all their worldly goods intact for this very purpose.

Nephi knew the command to obtain the plates was from God and not his father. He also knew that God never fails and so it was out of the question for the plates not to be obtained (1 N 4:1,2). This speaks volumes of Nephi’s conviction of God’s power. The mission could not fail and the plates had to be secured even to the point of death and this proved to be true as he slew Laban in the process (1 N 4:18).

My point is this. In our dealings with our fellowmen, do they recognise the divine in us? Do we have a trustworthy reputation? Is our character godly enough that it overshadows our mortal selves? When we speak of spiritual things, do people believe that we are led by the spirit of revelation? When we consider our mandate to bring people unto Christ, all these things come into play. We cannot bring others to the foot of the cross if we are not there ourselves.

  • Cathryne Allen
(Art: He Is The Way by Danny Hahlbohm)

Monday 20 September 2021



I have arrived to Section 136 of Doctrine and Covenants. The Prophet Joseph has been martyred and Brigham Young is preparing the saints to travel west. His edict for the organisation of the Camp of Israel starts with something startling: the companies were to be organised for the journey with 'a covenant and promise to keep the commandments and statues of the Lord...and this shall be our covenant - that we will walk in all the ordinances of the Lord' (D&C 136:2,4). After this, came the instructions for the temporal organisation of the Camp. Bear in mind, these people had been through intense persecution for years and their leader has just been murdered...yet at the forefront of their arduous journey ahead is the covenant of obedience. This shows the heart of Brigham Young. Was the endurance of the pioneer saints due to their covenant with Him who strengthens the weak and mends broken hearted? I would say a resounding YES.
When Alma Senior baptised one of his first converts, Helam, at the waters of Mormon, he took the baptismal covenant to the next level. He said: 'Helam, I baptise thee....as a testimony that ye have entered into a covenant to serve him until you are dead..' (Mosiah 18:13). Not, until you decide to no longer follow Him, but your whole life. I imagine this is the fervor of the covenant that the early pioneers covenanted with. They would not forsake Him at all cost....to the end of their lives.
This brings me to reflect on my own reservoir of strength and wonder if I will be able to honour my covenant of obedience to the end, despite the persecution I might yet need to face.....and my friends there is yet to be a persecution. How much will be asked of us and will we all remain strong or will some of us crumble under the pressure?
Now more than ever we need to look up. Never before has there been a greater need for us to sow seeds of love for the God who has suffered for it all. Never before has there been a greater need for us to strengthen the bond with Him that will last even in the threat of death. Considering He has given us His all, we would be wise to give Him back OUR all....because when the storm comes He will be the only one to steady us. He who has endured everything, is everything.
Who is like unto Thee, O Lord,
Among the gods?
Who shelters Thine own
In the depths of Thy heart;
Who reveals the strength
Of Thy holy arm,
To protect the weak
And the broken hearted;
Who sorrows for the lost
And pays the price of
The crucible cost.
  • Cathryne Allen
(Art: Liz Lemon Swindle)

Tuesday 14 September 2021



I discovered this painting recently by Ron DiCianni entitled "Simeon's Moment". The painting had me revisit the story of Simeon in Luke 2:25-35. I cannot adequately describe the tearful emotion that swelled within my heart. It wasn't just Simeon's story that touched the depth of my soul but the artist who was so moved by this incident of joy that someone felt to hold the Son of God in his arms. 

It had been revealed to Simeon by the Holy Ghost that he should not see death before he had seen 'the Lord's Christ' (Luke 2:26). Simeon waited a long time and was well stricken in age when the Spirit led him to the temple the day Mary and Joseph had brought the Christ child to offer sacrifice for his birth as was the Mosaic law of the day (Luke 2:22-24). Simeon took the Christ child into his arms and pronounced Him to be the awaited Messiah, the glory of Israel and the light to the Gentiles (Luke 2:32). And then he said something highly significant to Mary: "A sword shall pierce through thy own soul....that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed" (v35).

I reflected on the signs of the times around us which are being fulfilled and how close the Saviour might be to returning, even at the door (Matt 24:33; Mark 13:29; JS-M 1:39; D&C 110:16). I hear some people being scared of this thought but some elated at the prospect. How many of us will be over-joyed when we see Him coming in the clouds of heaven? I have a daughter whose patriarchal blessing tells her she will be here when the Saviour returns. She is no longer on the gospel path. How will she feel when that 'great and dreadful day' of the Lord comes? I cannot trust my heart to contemplate this scenario. 

When He comes we will have nothing to give Him but our hearts and whatever is in them. After all, this is the greatest gift one can give to another. Will we be ashamed when our hearts are laid bare before Him or will we be eager to show Him that He resides there? May we be overjoyed like Simeon because we have waited with eagerness for His appearing and may our hearts be imbued with faith and love to make them fit for an offering to the Lord of Lords and King of Kings; the King of Israel, the Prince of Peace, the   Bread of Life and the Living Water.

How can I tell you
What my mortal lips cannot say?
How can I show you
What my mortal heart cannot hold?
All that I feel
And all that I am
I owe to you.
I give you my all
Because a heart can give no more. 

- Cathryne Allen
(Art by Ron DiCianni)

Sunday 12 September 2021



"You'll never walk on water if you don't step out of the boat." (Joyce Meyer)
My friends, we are all in a boat right now, a very rocky boat..... and many of us are depressed, fearful, angry and basically not coping with the way the world is going. It is daunting to think things will get worse but it truly will be so, if the scriptures are correct, and they are. We have also been warned by the living prophets for many years that this will be so, not to mention the warning signs the Saviour has given us through Doctrine & Covenants.
I believe the worst thing that is not allowing some of us to cope with such debilitating changes is non-acceptance of the signs of these last days. There are some things we cannot change because evil is prevalent in our day and it has gripped the hearts of many who are in charge of the masses. Through my personal experience, I have come to learn that the only way to peace is through faith and focus on The Prince of Peace.
Cast your minds on the night the Saviour was asleep in a ship whilst tempest was raging. After His disciples woke Him up and He stilled the sea He asked them: "Why are ye so fearful? How is it that ye have no faith?" (Mark 4:40) The following verse goes on to say that 'they feared exceedingly and said one to another, What manner of man is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?" An amazing one, that's what kind!!!
Don't stay in the boat fearful, clutching its' sides, because there is no safety in the security the world provides. There should be no fear of the storm when there is focus on The Prince of Peace while the storm is raging. Remember that fear is inverted faith and don't be afraid to step out of the boat. Your lifeguard is the one who walks on water.
Each day I seek Thee
Through the prayer of my heart;
I kneel at Thy feet and speak
The words of my enduring love.
I hear no voice,
I feel your absence in my sight;
You are so far and so high,
Yet I see Thee
Through the faith of my eye.
  • Cathryne Allen

Saturday 11 September 2021



I heard the most poignant advice in a rather amusing movie recently that went like this: "It's not just about living forever, the trick is living with yourself forever."
I reflected on this and wondered how I would feel about myself once my days of probation were over. I concluded who I became during my mortal life would be more important to me than what I have achieved. It reminded me of Alma The Younger because he is the perfect example of this concept.
His repentance from a destructive lifestyle is legendary as are his achievements. Having become transformed through his experience with repentance, he went on to become an amazingly successful missionary, a foe to anti-Christs, high priest, chief judge, military leader and prophet. His doctrinal teachings were extensive and thought provoking but none more so than the question he asked of his hearers when he inquired if they had been spiritually born of God and if they had received His imagine in their countenance? (Alma 5:14). This question would have to be the most poignant question contained in the holy scriptures. If we should practice what we preach, then Alma indeed had the right to ask such a question.
You have to seriously study Alma's life to see what I mean here. His achievements are outstanding and his personal journey has touched my heart like no other. Alma went from being one of the vilest of sinners with the sons of Mosiah (Mosiah 28:4) to giving up the judgment seat to be a missionary. But not just any missionary but one that greatly sorrowed for the people (Alma 8:10,14; 31:1,2,30,31; 35:15). In the end, Alma the Younger, high priest, chief judge, military leader and prophet, became: Alma the Submissive; Alma the Meek; Alma the Humble; Alma the Patient; Alma the Loving; Alma, the man with Christ's imagine in his countenance.
If you read the account of Alma's conversion, you will see that there is only one person who could make his transition possible. When Alma appealed to the saving grace of Christ, he recounts that he was filled with joy as exceeding as was his pain (Alma 36:20). I cannot fathom being in 'the gall of bitterness' and being 'tormented with the pains of hell' (v13) but I know with certainty that the Saviour can give us 'exquisite joy' (v21)......the joy that comes from having His imagine in our countenance. It is something to live for and with......forever.
Let the everlasting hills and mountains
Hear Thy exalted voice
That the ends of the earth
Might proclaim Thy eternal fame
And know the strength of Thy salvation;
May all who hear, walk in Thy holy name
And seek Thy mercy and Thy grace,
And may those found worthy
Be endowed with Thy image
In the countenance of their face.
  • Cathryne Allen

Tuesday 7 September 2021



I have noticed a repeated phrase in the scriptures that denotes parenting to be a curse or a blessing upon children. Through these scriptures the Lord pronounces a curse 'unto the third and fourth generation' of those who disobey Him (Exodus 20:5; Deut. 5:9; D&C 103:26; 105:30; 124:50,52).
I wondered if the Lord would punish the children for the sins of the parents until I noticed something significant. The Old Testament says 'unto the third and fourth generation of them who hate me'. Doctrine & Covenants, however, says 'so long as they repent not and hate me'.
So does God punish children of people who hate Him? President Joseph F. Smith taught in General Conference of October 1912 that the effects of sin are so devastating upon offspring that they reach the third and fourth generation of those who are committing them. In other words, if a person hates God, he will impart that hatred to his children who will impart it to their children and so on for generations to come.

I was conversing with a friend yesterday about the Saviour's growth from 'grace to grace' whilst in mortality through which growth He came to know and understand who He was. She pointed out that surely His mortal parents would have taught Him a great deal towards this knowledge whilst He was young. It made me see what a responsibility they had to teach the Son of God and be an example to Him in their lives and how well they emulated their love for His Father.
Imagine the trust that our Heavenly parents have placed in us by giving us their children to raise in mortality. Imagine the sorrow when some of us teach our children to hate them. And imagine the joy when we teach our children to love them. Let us, who have covenanted to be faithful, honour the trust that is placed in us as parents that we may one day be crowned with honour, immortality and eternal life (D&C 124:55).
You nurtured me and nourished me
In my pre-mortal celestial home
And shaped me as a woman of power and might;
Through your noble womanhood
You sowed in me the seeds of excellence
And instilled in me the godhood path;
I seek to follow in your footsteps;
I seek to receive the offspring of your heart;
From your heart to my heart
From your hands to mine.
  • Cathryne Allen
(Art: Mother to Mother by Katie Garner)

Sunday 5 September 2021



One cannot help but reflect on fathers on Father's Day.....my father gave me a priceless gift. He gave me the Gospel.
When he was just a youth growing up in a poor peasant household in the tiny republic of Croatia, my father rejected the expected role of the oldest son to remain on family land to inherit it along with care of his parents. He chose instead a trade at the expense of his father's displeasure and rejection....a trade which enabled our family to move to a city life when I was 3. This heroic move of my father's led him to seek a better life for his children.....a path which brought me and my sister to a land of more opportunity, Australia. Had my father not been brave enough to forsake the poor life of peasantry, I would most likely be there still. 

I am convinced that my father was spiritually led to bring me to a country where I could receive the greatest opportunity of all: the opportunity to seek eternal life through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is here that in my youth, I joined the Church and found Him who has given me salvation and given my life true meaning.

I have reflected recently on my forefathers, the ones that gave me my Israelite, Croatian roots and my heart is filled with love and gratitude this day for these men who I barely know. May we be grateful for the ancestors we hail from and whose earthly marks we bear. They are more a part of us and our lives than we realise......I offer my gratitude for my forefathers' personal sacrifices and the lives that they led so that I could be......until we meet at Jesus's feet.

Your life has come and gone
But your footprints remain
And your blood courses through my veins.
I know your smile and your frown
Though we have never met,
They are worn by my children
As gems in family diadem;
You are the root
That reaches the branches,
I am the stem that paves the way.


Wednesday 1 September 2021



I recently finished writing my personal history. This week I decided to read it for any needed corrections. My heart was rent each time I read of any reference to my home land of Croatia and my childhood. I was 13 when my family migrated to Australia. What remains etched in my heart the most about the home of my birth is the land and its’ nature….every wheatfield I ran through, every tree I climbed, every patch of grass with blooming spring flowers……it is all so firmly locked in my heart. 

Some years ago I learnt that when the 10 tribes of Israel were carried off into captivity, some were scattered throughout Europe. This explained to me my love for the Old Testament. I had always felt ancient Israel were ‘my people’. My patriarchal blessing tells me I am a ‘true Israelite of the seed of Abraham’. Having a progenitor such as Abraham is something I consider to be my greatest earthly blessing. It is from him I inherited ‘the believing blood of Israel’ and all its’ associated blessings that I was able to pass onto my children and grandchildren.

When I came to understand my Israelite roots, I could see that my upbringing in the agrarian way of life in Croatia was a connection of sorts to ancient Israel who subsisted by their dependency on the land. When I read the record of their doings, I know what harvests are and what seasonal festivals are and what shepherds are. And I understand many spiritual truths that were taught by the Saviour using the metaphors that related to agrarian way of life.

I am amazed how closely bonded we are with mother Earth. I guess it is no wonder, since we were physically created from her. The older I get, the more I crave the nature of my youth.  In it I see the majesty of Him who created it. When I see the richness of the Earth, I see His glory. I am amazed at His power of creation. I amazed at who He is……it’s another connection.

His gift, the beauty of this earth,

To soften the blow of turbulence

So relentlessly near;

With every movement of the trees

And the rustle of its leaves,

He whispers: “I am here”


-       Cathryne Allen

(Art by Yongsung Kim)