Monday 20 September 2021



I have arrived to Section 136 of Doctrine and Covenants. The Prophet Joseph has been martyred and Brigham Young is preparing the saints to travel west. His edict for the organisation of the Camp of Israel starts with something startling: the companies were to be organised for the journey with 'a covenant and promise to keep the commandments and statues of the Lord...and this shall be our covenant - that we will walk in all the ordinances of the Lord' (D&C 136:2,4). After this, came the instructions for the temporal organisation of the Camp. Bear in mind, these people had been through intense persecution for years and their leader has just been murdered...yet at the forefront of their arduous journey ahead is the covenant of obedience. This shows the heart of Brigham Young. Was the endurance of the pioneer saints due to their covenant with Him who strengthens the weak and mends broken hearted? I would say a resounding YES.
When Alma Senior baptised one of his first converts, Helam, at the waters of Mormon, he took the baptismal covenant to the next level. He said: 'Helam, I baptise a testimony that ye have entered into a covenant to serve him until you are dead..' (Mosiah 18:13). Not, until you decide to no longer follow Him, but your whole life. I imagine this is the fervor of the covenant that the early pioneers covenanted with. They would not forsake Him at all the end of their lives.
This brings me to reflect on my own reservoir of strength and wonder if I will be able to honour my covenant of obedience to the end, despite the persecution I might yet need to face.....and my friends there is yet to be a persecution. How much will be asked of us and will we all remain strong or will some of us crumble under the pressure?
Now more than ever we need to look up. Never before has there been a greater need for us to sow seeds of love for the God who has suffered for it all. Never before has there been a greater need for us to strengthen the bond with Him that will last even in the threat of death. Considering He has given us His all, we would be wise to give Him back OUR all....because when the storm comes He will be the only one to steady us. He who has endured everything, is everything.
Who is like unto Thee, O Lord,
Among the gods?
Who shelters Thine own
In the depths of Thy heart;
Who reveals the strength
Of Thy holy arm,
To protect the weak
And the broken hearted;
Who sorrows for the lost
And pays the price of
The crucible cost.
  • Cathryne Allen
(Art: Liz Lemon Swindle)

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