Tuesday 28 September 2021



Nephi recorded that the Lord had advised him and his family not to make fire whilst journeying in the wilderness, not even to cook food. Nephi doesn't record the reasons why but according to historians, this was so that they would not be an attraction to warring bedouin factions in the region and possible looters. What Nephi does record is the Lord's reassurance: "I will be your light....and I will prepare the way before you" (1 Nephi 17:13). Whether this reassurance was given to them at the beginning of the journey or not, it validates Nephi's conviction that the Lord does not command us to do anything without preparing the way (1 Nephi 3:7).

None of us have been asked to undertake such an arduous and demanding task as colonising a new continent and spending 8 years travelling in a wilderness, not knowing beforehand where it is we are going. I am in awe of Lehi and his family for doing such a thing. I do know, however, that everyone at one stage has to carry some burden and what seems like an insurmountable one to some may not be so much to another.

If you are faced with some difficult journey or you need to unload some heavy burden you have been carrying, know this: He is your light and He will prepare the way. Take courage and turn to Him who is the source of all help; who knows the way; who is a lamp unto your feet. Fear nothing and hope for everything.

Thou art my light,
My Prince of Peace,
Who will prepare the way
For me to go where
I have not gone before.
Wherever you send me
I will eagerly go;
To the ends of the earth,
Over mountains
And over the seas,
Light my way, and in the end
Bring me home to Thee.

  • Cathryne Allen
(Art by Yongsung Kim)

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