Saturday 11 September 2021



I heard the most poignant advice in a rather amusing movie recently that went like this: "It's not just about living forever, the trick is living with yourself forever."
I reflected on this and wondered how I would feel about myself once my days of probation were over. I concluded who I became during my mortal life would be more important to me than what I have achieved. It reminded me of Alma The Younger because he is the perfect example of this concept.
His repentance from a destructive lifestyle is legendary as are his achievements. Having become transformed through his experience with repentance, he went on to become an amazingly successful missionary, a foe to anti-Christs, high priest, chief judge, military leader and prophet. His doctrinal teachings were extensive and thought provoking but none more so than the question he asked of his hearers when he inquired if they had been spiritually born of God and if they had received His imagine in their countenance? (Alma 5:14). This question would have to be the most poignant question contained in the holy scriptures. If we should practice what we preach, then Alma indeed had the right to ask such a question.
You have to seriously study Alma's life to see what I mean here. His achievements are outstanding and his personal journey has touched my heart like no other. Alma went from being one of the vilest of sinners with the sons of Mosiah (Mosiah 28:4) to giving up the judgment seat to be a missionary. But not just any missionary but one that greatly sorrowed for the people (Alma 8:10,14; 31:1,2,30,31; 35:15). In the end, Alma the Younger, high priest, chief judge, military leader and prophet, became: Alma the Submissive; Alma the Meek; Alma the Humble; Alma the Patient; Alma the Loving; Alma, the man with Christ's imagine in his countenance.
If you read the account of Alma's conversion, you will see that there is only one person who could make his transition possible. When Alma appealed to the saving grace of Christ, he recounts that he was filled with joy as exceeding as was his pain (Alma 36:20). I cannot fathom being in 'the gall of bitterness' and being 'tormented with the pains of hell' (v13) but I know with certainty that the Saviour can give us 'exquisite joy' (v21)......the joy that comes from having His imagine in our countenance. It is something to live for and with......forever.
Let the everlasting hills and mountains
Hear Thy exalted voice
That the ends of the earth
Might proclaim Thy eternal fame
And know the strength of Thy salvation;
May all who hear, walk in Thy holy name
And seek Thy mercy and Thy grace,
And may those found worthy
Be endowed with Thy image
In the countenance of their face.
  • Cathryne Allen

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