Tuesday 7 September 2021



I have noticed a repeated phrase in the scriptures that denotes parenting to be a curse or a blessing upon children. Through these scriptures the Lord pronounces a curse 'unto the third and fourth generation' of those who disobey Him (Exodus 20:5; Deut. 5:9; D&C 103:26; 105:30; 124:50,52).
I wondered if the Lord would punish the children for the sins of the parents until I noticed something significant. The Old Testament says 'unto the third and fourth generation of them who hate me'. Doctrine & Covenants, however, says 'so long as they repent not and hate me'.
So does God punish children of people who hate Him? President Joseph F. Smith taught in General Conference of October 1912 that the effects of sin are so devastating upon offspring that they reach the third and fourth generation of those who are committing them. In other words, if a person hates God, he will impart that hatred to his children who will impart it to their children and so on for generations to come.

I was conversing with a friend yesterday about the Saviour's growth from 'grace to grace' whilst in mortality through which growth He came to know and understand who He was. She pointed out that surely His mortal parents would have taught Him a great deal towards this knowledge whilst He was young. It made me see what a responsibility they had to teach the Son of God and be an example to Him in their lives and how well they emulated their love for His Father.
Imagine the trust that our Heavenly parents have placed in us by giving us their children to raise in mortality. Imagine the sorrow when some of us teach our children to hate them. And imagine the joy when we teach our children to love them. Let us, who have covenanted to be faithful, honour the trust that is placed in us as parents that we may one day be crowned with honour, immortality and eternal life (D&C 124:55).
You nurtured me and nourished me
In my pre-mortal celestial home
And shaped me as a woman of power and might;
Through your noble womanhood
You sowed in me the seeds of excellence
And instilled in me the godhood path;
I seek to follow in your footsteps;
I seek to receive the offspring of your heart;
From your heart to my heart
From your hands to mine.
  • Cathryne Allen
(Art: Mother to Mother by Katie Garner)

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