Sunday 3 April 2022



The year I studied animal sacrifice in depth, I came to understand the Atonement at a deeper level. I was absolutely mesmerised by this practice and longed to witness it in the flesh because I am a highly visual person and I love symbolism. Understanding animal sacrifice has made me see the necessity of the principle of consecration in my life. 


This is what touched me the most: A part of the animal sacrifice ceremony included the priest applying a small amount of animal’s blood to the tip of the right ear, the right thumb and the great toe of the right foot of the person to be consecrated.  This is what it meant:


·      On the tip of the ear: sanctifying the organ of hearing God’s word;

·      On the thumb of right hand: sanctifying the organ of action; 

·      On the great toe of right foot: sanctifying the organ of walking and following God.


I tremble at the thought of having such highly significant symbol of Christ’s sacrificial blood being applied to me. When I read this I wondered how I could apply this symbolism to my personal consecration and it came to me that just as Christ sacrificed Himself totally and completely for my sake, my sacrifice to Him must be through: my thoughts, my speech, my attitudes, my beliefs, my desires, my intents, my actions. My mind is taken back to His sacrifice in my daily prayers as I promise to consecrate myself to the Father in thought, word and deed and promise to walk in paths of righteousness. I cannot utter these words without the image of the priest applying sacrificial blood to my ear, thumb and toe.


The Saviour expects nothing of us that He himself did not do. Consider His total consecration to the Father which made Him ‘the lamb without blemish’ (1 Peter 1:19): “Had there been one thought in the mind of Jesus which was not perfectly given to God; had there been but one affection in the heart of Jesus which was not yielded to His Father’s will; had there been one step in the walk of Jesus which was taken not for God, but for His own pleasure; then He could not have offered Himself or been accepted as a ‘whole burnt- offering….but Jesus gave up all: He reserved nothing. All was burnt, all consumed, upon the altar.” (Jukes, Law of the Offerings, pp 63-64).


This Easter as we contemplate His total consecration to God on our behalf, may we commit to consecrate ourselves each day to walk in His footsteps and be deserving of every drop so precious and pure that paved the way to Calvary.


Thy infinite mercy

Thy limitless goodness

Thy bountiful compassion,

A gift to him who loveth Thee;

Trailing from the cross of Calvary,

Sealed with Your hour of agony.



(Artist unknown)

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