Tuesday 5 April 2022




As Easter approaches and many of us are struggling with ever increasing hardships, may we reflect on all that the Saviour suffered in HIS hard life:

  • Members of His family did not at first accept Him as the Messiah (John 7:5);
  • People in His home town sought to kill Him (Luke 4:16-30);
  • His countrymen rejected His Messianic calling (John 1:11);
  • One friend betrayed Him, another denied knowing Him (Luke 22:48, 54-62);
  • In the end all His disciples forsook Him and fled (Matthew 25:56);
  • His enemies demanded His crucifixion (Matthew 27:22-23)

We all know how the story ended.....the climax of His life, the crucible of Gethsemane and Calvary.....surely He who has 'borne our griefs and carried our sorrows' (Isaiah 53:4) has the ability to empower us to weather our storms and bear us up to endure the vicissitudes of life in these the last days.....


Be strong no matter what happens and believe……


I was tempted my problems

To lay to Your charge,

I considered them acutely unfair;

Then You opened my heart

And showed me Your godly task

Beyond human capacity to bear.

Knowing where you had gone

I would never need to go,

I sorrowed and sought my arrogance to bury;

In humility I assent ,

Your mortal burden:

So valiant, so holy

I would never in this life have to carry.


(Art: Jon McNaughton)

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