Monday 18 April 2022




The most exhilarating part of the Saviour's earthly life would have to be post resurrection. One can only imagine the hope and speculation that would have circulated in the midst of His followers as the news spread that He lived again. My favourite of the events recorded of that time is His walk with two disciples on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-32). It is of great marvel to me that when the two men recounted the story of His crucifixion and resurrection with dubious narration, the Saviour did not reveal himself to them to prove the story was true. Instead He chose to expound all the scriptures concerning himself (Luke 24:27) because they testify of Him as the Messiah and the Saviour of the world (John 5:39). It was not until after the scriptures were expounded to them and the Saviour had departed, that the two disciples understood who He was. I have often wondered what the lesson in this was. What was the Saviour trying to teach them? Perhaps that having the scriptures is the same as having Him in their midst as with the scriptures comes the power of the Holy Ghost which testifies of His divinity. This is attested by the two disciples who proclaimed upon His departure from them, "Did not our hearts burn within us while he........opened to us the scriptures?" (Luke 24:32).

Who do you see when you study the scriptures? The brave Jeremiah, the poetic Isaiah, the obedient Nephi, the repentant Alma? It is hard not to see these prominent and prolific figures. The challenge is and always will be, however, to see Christ on every page; whether in prophecies, in doctrine, in His dealings with humanity or valuable lessons learnt through the characters enshrined in the holy writ. I will tell you what I see: in the Old Testament I see the merciful Jehovah; in the New Testament I see the loving Saviour; in the Book of Mormon, I see the promised Messiah;  in the Doctrine and Covenants I see the majestic Christ; and in The Pearl of Great Price, I see the pre-mortal God and the author of our salvation. We might not have Him with us still…..but really we have Him with us still….



Daily I stand in my holy place

As I feast on Thy holy word,

Ever hopeful I will meet You there

Thy Spirit to embrace

And the cares of this world to arrest;

To entreat a peaceful heart

To renew my might,

To dare to endure.

I reach for You in darkness

And step up to heaven’s door;

I am bathed in light

And am granted entrance to Your heart.


(Art: Road to Emmaus by Liz Lemon Swindle)

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