Wednesday 9 February 2022



I am amazed at Moroni who did everything in his power to preserve his life, only to wander in loneliness between 385 A.D. to 421 A.D. (Mormon 6:5; Moroni 1), totally 36 whopping years. And here is something interesting. Moroni didn’t spend 36 years just evading the Lamanites who hunted and killed anyone who wouldn’t deny Christ  (Moroni 1:2,3), he instead did something extraordinary….he wrote extensively and preserved the plates with intent to bring us and the very same people who hunted him for his life to the knowledge of truth ‘in some future day’ (v4). This is what I call mortal valiancy. Because of his valiant efforts, we now have the Book of Mormon. 


I don’t know what Moroni’s 36 years looked like. I don’t know if he ever felt so lonely and depressed that he was hitting the floor but I do know that he endured to fulfil his purpose because in his farewell he said: “….the time speedily cometh that ye shall know that I lie not, for ye shall see me at the bar of God, and the Lord God will say unto you: Did I not declare my words unto you, which were written by THIS MAN…???” (Moroni 10:27). We all have a purpose and something to achieve in this life, and that something, no matter how small, if achieved during our mortal endurance, will not be counted less than what Moroni achieved. 


I have experienced acute loneliness in my life and I know I have only survived it because of the sustaining power of the Great Exemplar who endured it all and could say: “…..I partook and finished my preparations unto the children of men” (D&C 19:19). What a gift He has given us by His power of creation (Helaman 14:12; Moses 1:33; 2:1); the gift of mortal lowliness that He might lift us to immortal heights. This is the God we worship, this is the God we love, this is the God we follow. May we praise Him now and forever. 


My mortality spreads before me day and night,

I wince at bearing this heavy load.

I stumble and I fall,

The darkness seeking to swallow me whole.

I know He waits at heaven’s gate

Till I have learnt to walk the rough domain;

I will hurry, I will run

I will grasp the heaven’s hand

That will lift me to His arms

Forever there to remain.




(Art by Liz Lemon Swindle)

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