Tuesday 22 February 2022




I read a scripture this morning that brought tears to my eyes. The occasion was Jacob’s journey to Egypt to be reunited with his beloved son Joseph. When Jacob came to Beersheba, he offered sacrifices to God and God came to him ‘in the visions of the night’ and called him: “Jacob, Jacob” and Jacob answered: “HERE AM I” (Genesis 46:2). When he arrived in Egypt and the Pharoah asked him how old he was, Jacob answered, 130 ‘evil’ years but in Hebrew the correct translation is ‘sorrowful’ or ‘full of toil and trouble’ (OT Institute Manual, (8-20) p. 97). Consider how hard Jacob’s life was: he had to leave home to escape his brother Esau who sought to kill him; he served Laban for 20 years who constantly cheated him of his wages; he had to deal with constant contention between his wives; his pilgrimage in the land of Canaan; the death of his wife Rachel; and sorrowing for Joseph for 16 years. Never before has the story of Jacob touched me to the depths of my heart like it has this year. After all the hardship he suffered, Jacob was still able to respond ‘here am I’, with readiness to obey whatever God wanted of him. It has made me reflect on my own willingness to answer such a call despite my shallow belief that I have already given ‘my all’. If I was called, would I start recounting all my trials and sacrifices or would I only utter, “here am I”…….


I have noticed this answer to God’s call with other notable people in the scriptures, namely: Moses (Exodus 3:4); Samuel (1 Sam. 3:4); Isaiah (Isa. 6:8) but the most poignant would have to be this one: “HERE AM I, SEND ME” (Abraham 3:27). No greater example of readiness to honour the Father exists than that of the Saviour who I am sure did not hesitate to first count the cost of His offer. He would go no matter how thorny the road and how heavy the cross. He would go and He would do. As we near Easter, may we reflect on this offer without which there would be no mortality, no salvation,  no joy. Without this offer there would be no us.  


Who is like unto Thee, O Lord,

Among the gods?

Who shelters Thine own

In the depths of Thy heart;

Who reveals the strength

Of Thy holy arm

To protect the weak

And the broken hearted;

Who sorrows for the lost

And pays the price of

The crucible cost.


(Art: King by David Bowman)

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