Sunday 6 February 2022



In my reading of the BOM this morning I came across an interesting scripture where Mormon reiterates that Jesus has brought to pass the redemption of the world which can bring us into the presence of God to enjoy ‘everlasting happiness’ (Mormon 7:7). I have always believed we would have everlasting happiness in the Kingdom of God but have at times wondered how that can be for those who become gods and continue to have children forever, knowing the mental anguish and sorrow children can cause.  


We know that even in pre-existence we, as children, caused the Father anguish and sorrow because one of His children of great promise, who was in authority in the presence of God, who was called ‘son of the morning’, rebelled against Him and caused a third of His children to become the sons of perdition (D&C 76:25-27). So great was he that the heavens wept over him. I cannot imagine the anguish and sorrow of our heavenly parents to lose such a child of promise, let alone a third of their children, knowing they will live forever in outer darkness.  When Enoch had his encounter with God, he witnessed Him weeping over His creations because of their wickedness (Moses 7:28). So we know that God experiences sadness and anguish as well as happiness in his godly state. 


There is hope though……In Doctrine & Covenants 18:15, we are told if we bring even one soul to Christ, that great shall be our joy in the kingdom of the Father. If our joy will be great, imagine the Father’s joy to see the return of many of His children. Losing a third of your children is devastating but retaining two thirds means hope of great joy. I hope we,  who have accepted His plan of salvation and who are now experiencing our second estate,  can make up for those who have rejected Him by honouring the trust and hope He has in us. May we have the desire in our hearts to bring Him joy and be a delight in His hand. I am certain that He who was and is a perfect Son of all His sons, who was ‘in His bosom’ from the beginning (D&C 76:25) makes up double fold for the son He has lost. May we follow in His footsteps to do the will of the Father in all things that His joy in us might be magnified and in some measure make up for the sorrow for those who are lost.

Grant me the hope Father

In this darkness

That I will one day see Your light;

And spare me Father the afflictions

Of my lonely heart.

Bear me up as on eagles’ wings

And carry me into

Thy benevolent embrace

That we might never again part

But instead bask in the union

Of our celestial hearts. 



(Art: Joy by Yongsung Kim)

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