Thursday 3 February 2022



I want to add my testimony of this significant quote by Toby McKeehan: "When you are hanging by a thread, make sure it's the hem of His garment".....


I have found over the years that turning to friends for solace and understanding of my problems has always come up short. Even women who were also single mothers failed to understand me because their response to the same situation was different. There is an explanation for that. We are an assortment of capacities, personalities and attributes, therefore, what is overwhelming hardship for one might not be for another. Because of this, the well-meaning friends tend to offer advice that is based on the understanding of their lives and not yours. I am not discrediting the value of good friendship but my testimony based on my experience is this: there is no one who can understand what it is like to be YOU. No one has ever walked in your shoes or had a turn in your skin......except for one person who has experienced your life within the crucible of Gethsemane and trailing the hill of Calvary. 


In your darkest moments, hang onto the fringe of His garment with overpowering faith knowing that your life matters to Him who has borne your sorrows and been in the depths of your heart. 

Courage take my fellow Israelites, He will never us forsake......


Your lessons, so piercing

And so raw

Leave me spent

As I exhale the hurt and let it go;

Your wisdom prevails

And tutors me when I need it most;

You are the healer who saves

The broken and the lost.


(Art: A Thread of Faith by Howard Lyon)

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