Wednesday 15 November 2023



Have you noticed how contention is rising in the world? Hatred is fostered, false convictions made, wrong ideologies taught, lies spread, deadly orders issued, crimes denied…..and all this perpetrated by the smallest member of the human body….the tongue.

James compares the tongue to a small helm which has the power to control big ships (James 3:4). Picture the size of the helm compared to the size of a huge ship. Its’ power, however, comes from the captain of the ship who uses the helm to make the ship go in the course it is destined for.  And so it is with the tongue that operates under our directions. We use this tongue with ease and many of us, if not most, exercise little control over it. In the words of James: “For in many things we offend all. If any man offend NOT in word, the same is a perfect man, and able also to bridle the whole body” (James 3:2). I believe this. The function of the tongue is the hardest to control. I am in awe of people who never say a bad word about anyone. I believe they are in control of themselves in more ways than one.

The tongue is destroying the fabric of our society. The technology and social media make this plain. I have seen lately a number of YouTube videos where protestors against oil are blocking roads. They are igniting such hatred of the public toward them and creating so much contention that civilians are now undertaking control over the protestors. I saw one video yesterday where a man in Panama fought with the protestors and having had no success to persuade them, he pulled out a gun and shot to death two of them.

“And in that day shall….the whole world be in commotion,  men’s hearts shall fail them…and the love of men shall wax cold, and iniquity shall abound” (D&C 45:26,27). We are turning on each other. And not just through wars. Cast your mind back on the covid pandemic. The verbal conflict between people was unprecedented and all because of the vaccine. One Australian member I know was so contentious that he was fighting with the unvaccinated members and telling them they will not be able to get temple recommends because they were disobeying the Prophet. The tongue is also destroying families. One of my friends who only has two siblings left of her family is sustaining venomous attacks from them because they have left the Church and are doing all they can to destroy her testimony as well. It’s a painful situation.  We are turning on each other in families, friendships, communities, political arenas and global events. The tongue never sleeps. This was Satan’s design from the beginning. So here’s the thing. He doesn’t have one but he is envious of yours… he will use it. The more we are open to his influence, the more compliant the tongue.

I think of the Saviour’s reserved manner and impeccable control of His tongue when brought before the haughty and iniquitous Herod to be tried. A man, a God, who could have destroyed His accusers by the breath of His mouth stood silent before a man who was not worthy of his breath (Luke 23:6-11). He knew when to keep silent. A man who withered the fig tree the minute He spoke to it (Matthew 21:19), a man who commanded the waves of the sea to be still (Mark 4:39), a man who raised the dead by his voice (John 11:43), a man who proclaimed He was the ‘resurrection and the life’ (John 11:25), a Son of God (Matthew 3:16,17) who created worlds by the word of His mouth (Hebrews 11:3) who uttered the greatest invitation ever issued to all who ‘labour and are heavy laden’ (Matthew 11:28), knew when and how to use His tongue.

There is a time to speak and a time to stay silent. And they each reveal which master we obey. 


(Art: Jesus At Trial by Jon McNaughton)

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