Sunday 19 November 2023



There were among the host of heaven many noble and great ones without whom Father’s Plan of Salvation would have come to naught (Abraham 3:22-23). The noblest of them all was Jehovah, the Firstborn (v 24). Along the many noble sons of God were female counterparts without whom also the Plan would have come to naught. The first that comes to mind is Mother Eve but my greatest admiration goes to Mary, the chosen vessel to bear the Son of God. The purity of her character could never be disputed but the devotion to God the Father that Jesus would have learnt at her knee is unsurpassable.

Jesus would have fulfilled His role as the Saviour no matter what mother He had because that’s who He is, but Mary’s pious devotion to God that He was raised with would have made His journey to the Garden easier. It tells you a lot about parenting skills. I am convinced that Mary’s compliant submission when a young girl in the presence of angel Gabriel paved the way for Christ’s supernal ‘Thy will be done’ in Gethsemane (Luke 1:26-38; 22:42). Like mother, like son.

I wonder if Mary recognized her part in Christ’s acceptance of the cross when her heart was breaking. I hope against hope that her pain was lessened knowing she brought up a dutiful son. I hope she reflected on the holiness of His birth and on the purpose for which He was born. I hope she knew the boy she mothered was the God she pledged long ago to accompany to the cross. I hope she saw on that cross the God of her salvation and gave thanks for her boy. I hope she wept good tears also.


(Art: Jesus and Mother Mary by Liz Lemon Swindle)

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