Sunday 12 November 2023



Nothing brings home to me more the magnitude of Christ’s condescension than “The Little Drummer Boy”. I cry every time I hear it. I simply fail to grasp how someone as supernal, powerful and godly could enter a baby’s body. This song brings to my mind His helplessness, vulnerability, dependence, His willingness to forget for a season that He graced as an infant the earth He created. This willingness makes me see in Him the greatness He embodied from the beginning of time. I simply cannot fathom in my finite mind the humility that such an undertaking warranted. Humility on this level equals greatness. No ego, no pride, no self-importance. Just a baby but yet a King.

When the Saviour comes the second time, He will come in the fulness of His glory. Consider the magnitude of that statement:

  1.  Mountains will flow down at His presence (D&C 133:40,44; Micah 1:4)
  2. The waters on the earth will boil (D& C 133:41)
  3. All nations will tremble at His presence (D&C 133:42)
  4. The sun will hide, the moon will withhold its light, and the stars will be hurled from their places (D&C 133:49)
  5. The wicked will be burned by the brightness of fire of His glory (Malachi 4:1-3; 2 Thessalonians 2:8)

I am a mother. When I hear The Little Drummer Boy, I yearn to hold baby Jesus in my arms. The thought of His helplessness as He then was sears my heart. What a blessing and unspeakable privilege it was for Mary to hold Him close to her heart. I also yearn to see Him come in the fulness of His glory, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the Lord Omnipotent, the Everlasting King….


(Art: Blissful Bond by Greg Collins)

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