Sunday 5 November 2023



In his efforts to stay the tide of increasing floundering amongst the early Church members who had converted from Judaism to Christianity, Paul wrote the famous sermon that we now call the book of Hebrews. Throughout the entire sermon, his goal was to reinforce the members’ conversion by denouncing the law of Moses and emphasizing that the only way to salvation was through Christ. He reminded these converted Jews of the time they were illuminated, had accepted the truth and had endured afflictions because of it (Hebrews 10:32). He admonished them not to let all that growth and endurance go to waste by casting away their confidence in the truth they once accepted (v 35). In other words, if it was right when you prayed about it and received a witness of it, and trusted it, and lived for it, it is still right. It is right when the pressure mounts, when doubts set in, when fears rear their ugly heads, when the adversary steps in to destroy your reward if you remain faithful.

Following his admonition to confidence, Paul said something highly significant to us, the saints of this last dispensation who await the Second Coming of the Saviour: “For yet a little while, and he that shall come will come, and will not tarry” (Hebrews 10:37). In other words, don’t give up especially now when the Lord is at the door….

It has been 2023 years since the Lord’s first advent. Many, like Nephites of old who awaited His first coming, are becoming incredulous about His return. Those who still believe are asking how much more wicked the world has to get before He appears. Elder Christofferson who was in Melbourne, Australia, conducting a leadership meeting was asked this very same question of a sister during a question and answer segment to which he replied: “The world is already wicked enough for His coming, the Father is waiting for more covenant keeping saints to welcome Him.” In his talk, “Preparing for the Lord’s Return” given in April 2019, Elder Christofferson elaborated: “First, and crucial for the Lord’s return, is the presence on the earth of a people prepared to receive Him at His coming.”  

Nephi saw us in our day and testified that the ‘power of the Lamb of God descended upon the saints of the church of the Lamb, and upon the covenant people of the Lord…and we were armed with righteousness and with the power of God in great glory’ (1 Nephi 14:14). It is time for us, the covenant people, to rise to that privilege. We are the chosen for this time and this place to usher in the greatest event of the history of mankind. The winding up scenes will not be easy, they will not be pleasant, but they will be worth the sacrifice, the perseverance, the wait…..and when He comes, the tears of the faithful….


(Art: His Return by Dan Wilson)

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